carefully是什么意思 carefully在线中文翻译



ad. 小心地, 谨慎地


副词 carefully:

  1. taking care or paying attention
  2. with caution or prudence or tact同义词:cautiously, with kid gloves


  1. He wrote just as carefully as Tom.他就像汤姆一样小心地写。
  2. As long as you drive carefully, you will be very safe.如果你开车小心,你就会很安全。
  3. I'm a little deaf, please articulate your words carefully.我有些耳聋,请把话仔细地说清楚。
  4. She carefully positioned the cup on the edge of the shelf.她把杯子小心地放在架子边。
  5. The artist posed his model carefully.这个艺术家仔细地把他的模型放好。
  6. She drove the car backwards carefully.她小心地向后倒车。
  7. You need to structure your arguments more carefully.你需要更为仔细地组织自己的论点。
  8. She drives carefully up the rocky lane.她驾车小心地从这条很多石头的小路上驶过去。