comfortable是什么意思 comfortable在线中文翻译



a. 舒服的, 轻松的
n. 盖被


副词:comfortably 名词:comfortableness 


形容词 comfortable:

  1. providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief (`comfy' is informal)同义词:comfy
  2. free from stress or conducive to mental ease; having or affording peace of mind
  3. more than adequate
  4. sufficient to provide comfort
  5. in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich同义词:easy, prosperous, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-situated, well-to-do


  1. Were it not for science, we could not live a comfortable live.若非科学,我们无法过着舒适的生活。
  2. Neither chair is comfortable.两把椅子坐起来都不舒服。
  3. A comfortable house may be an Eden.一个舒适的家可以是一个乐园。
  4. She has pretty dancing slippers and comfortable bedroom slippers.她有漂亮的舞鞋和舒适的卧室拖鞋。
  5. It's only human nature to want a comfortable life.想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
  6. I won't be comfortable until I know what happened.我只有知道发生了什么事后,才会放下心来。
  7. My house is not big, but it is comfortable.我的房子不大,但很舒服。


adj.(形容词)Providing physical comfort:舒适的:提供身体舒适的:例句:a comfortable chair.安乐椅
Free from stress or anxiety; at ease:安逸,舒适:从紧张或焦虑解脱的;处于轻松的:例句:not comfortable about the interview.对于会见并不感到轻松
Sufficient to provide financial security:充裕的:提供金融安全足够的:例句:comfortable earnings.充裕的工资
adv.(副词)<参考词汇><同义词>comfortable,cozy,snug,restful同义词>These words mean affording ease of mind or body.这些单词意味着给身心提供轻松。 Comfortable implies the absence of sources of pain or distress: Comfortable 表示没有痛苦或烦恼: 例句:sleeps in a comfortable bed;睡在舒适的床上;
例句:wears comfortable clothes. The word may also suggest peace of mind: 穿舒适的礼服。 此单词也可表示心中平静:
例句:felt comfortable with the decision;对决定感到平静;
例句:has a comfortable income.有充裕的收入。
Cozy evokes the image of a warm room in winterand suggests homey and reassuring ease: Cozy 唤起冬天温暖居室的印象,并使人联想起家庭似的安心轻松: 例句:sat in a cozy nook near the fire;坐在靠近火的一个舒适角落;
例句:had a cozy little chat.有一个轻松的闲聊。
Snug brings to mind the image of a warm, secure, compact shelter: Snug 表示带给心中温暖、安全和紧凑的掩避: 例句:children snug in their beds.儿童睡在温暖而舒适的床上。
Restful suggests a quiet conducive to tranquillity: Restful 暗示由安静导致平静: 例句:spent a restful hour reading;用平静的时间来读书;
例句:a room painted in restful colors. 房间漆有宁静的颜色