hone是什么意思 hone在线中文翻译



n. 磨刀石, 抱怨, 想念
vt. 用磨刀石磨, 磨练
【机】 搪磨工具


动词过去式:honed 过去分词:honed 现在分词:honing 第三人称单数:hones 


名词 hone:

  1. a whetstone made of fine gritstone; used for sharpening razors

动词 hone:

  1. sharpen with a hone
  2. make perfect or complete同义词:perfect


  1. God work wonders now and then; Behold, a lawyer an hone man.上帝时或会制造一些奇迹; 看啊,身为一名律师,居然还是老实人!
  2. My pen friend from Paris is coming to stay so I had better hone up on my French.我巴黎的笔友要来小住一段时间,因此我最好赶紧温习一下法语。


n.(名词)A fine-grained whetstone for giving a keen edge to a cutting tool.细磨刀石:纹理细密的磨刀,可使切削工具刀刃锋利A tool with a rotating abrasive tip for enlarging holes to precise dimensions.磨孔机:带有可旋转并有磨损力的尖头的工具,可以把洞扩大到精确的尺寸v.tr.(及物动词)honed,hon.ing,hones To sharpen on a fine-grained whetstone.珩磨:在细磨刀石上磨快To perfect or make more intense or effective:磨练,训练:使完美,使更强烈或有效:例句:a speaker who honed her delivery by long practice.一个演讲者通过长期练习来磨练提高她的口才
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English h3n [stone] * see kô- 源自 古英语 h3n [石头] *参见 kô-

hone 2
v.intr.(不及物动词)honed,hon.ing,hones 【非正式用语】 To whine or moan.咕噜,抱怨To hanker; yearn.渴望;想念
来源:Obsolete French hoigner 已废法语 hoigner from Old French 源自 古法语 perhaps from hon [cry of discontent] 可能源自 hon [因不满而大喊]