endorsement是什么意思 endorsement在线中文翻译



n. 支持, 认可, 背书
【经】 背书, 担保, 保证


名词 endorsement:

  1. a promotional statement (as found on the dust jackets of books)同义词:indorsement, blurb
  2. a speech seconding a motion同义词:second, secondment, indorsement
  3. formal and explicit approval同义词:sanction, countenance, indorsement, warrant, imprimatur
  4. a signature that validates something同义词:indorsement
  5. the act of endorsing同义词:indorsement


  1. One to whom ownership of a negotiable document is transferred by endorsement.被背书人通过背书而被转让给可转让文件所有权的人
  2. Last sheet of paper in a legal document which, when fold, become the outside sheet and carry the endorsement.法律文件的最后一页,当折叠时,它成了外边的一页并带有背书。
  3. After the endorsement of his home state the candidate campaign in the neighboring state.得到了本州的支持後,这个竞选者就到邻州游说去了。


n.(名词)The act of endorsing:背书,签字:背书的行为:例句:The athlete was highly paid to do endorsements of products.运动员被付以高薪在产品上签名
Something, such as a signature or voucher, that endorses or validates.保证,担保:能认可或使具有法律效力的某事物,如签名或收据Approbation; sanction; support:批准;认可;支持:例句:The candidates competed for the union`s endorsement.候选者们为获得联盟的赞同而竞争
An amendment to a contract, such as an insurance policy, by which the original terms are changed.合同修正条例:合同的修正条例,例如保险政策,通过此条例将原先的条款改变