electric是什么意思 electric在线中文翻译



a. 电的, 导电的, 电动的
【医】 电的




名词 electric:

  1. a car that is powered by electricity同义词:electric automobile, electric car

形容词 electric:

  1. using or providing or producing or transmitting or operated by electricity同义词:electrical
  2. (of a situation) exceptionally tense
  3. affected by emotion as if by electricity; thrilling同义词:galvanic, galvanizing, galvanising


  1. He bought an electric hair-dryer for Mary.他给玛丽买了一个电吹风。
  2. He bought an electric hair-drier for Mary.他给玛丽买了一个电吹风。
  3. The stick of carbon is often used in an electric arc lamp.碳精棒常用于电弧灯。
  4. A lot of electric lamps illumined the stage.舞台由许多电灯照亮。
  5. I did the letter on my electric typewriter.我是用电动打字机打这封信的。
  6. The solar cell can convert the energy of sunlight into electric energy.太阳能电池能把阳光的能量转化为电能。
  7. An electric power distribution bus(or cable) that supplies functional units or electronic devices.给操作部件或电子器件供电的一种电力分配总线(或电缆线)。
  8. Please turn off the electric power.请把电源关掉。


adj.(形容词)Also e.lec.tri.cal [-tr-k…l] Abbr. elec.Of, relating to, or operated by electricity: 也作 e.lec.tri.cal [-tr-k…l] 缩写 elec.电流:电的,与电有关的或由电驱动工作的:例句:electric current; an electrical appliance.电流;一个电器
Emotionally exciting; thrilling:令人兴奋的:让人情绪激动的;刺激的:例句:gave an electric reading of the play.朗读这个剧本,效果象电刺激一样
Exceptionally tense; highly charged with emotion:非常紧张的:情绪紧张的;充满情绪的:例句:an atmosphere electric with suspicion.充满悬念的气氛
n.(名词)An electrically powered machine or vehicle:电动机器或车辆:例句:The lawn mower is an electric.割草机是电动的机器
来源:New Latin ôlectricus [deriving from amber, as by rubbing] 现代拉丁语 ôlectricus [派生于琥珀,如摩擦琥珀] from Latin ôlectrum [amber] 源自 拉丁语 ôlectrum [琥珀] from Greek ôlektron 源自 希腊语 ôlektron