grievance是什么意思 grievance在线中文翻译



n. 委屈, 冤情, 苦况
【经】 不满(对雇用条件的)
have a grievance against sb


名词 grievance:

  1. a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation同义词:grudge, score
  2. an allegation that something imposes an illegal obligation or denies some legal right or causes injustice
  3. a complaint about a (real or imaginary) wrong that causes resentment and is grounds for action


  1. A cause or reason for complaining; a grievance.抱怨的缘由引起抱怨的原因; 愤恨
  2. He used the occasion to express all his old grievance against the chairman.他利用那机会表达了对主席积压已久的怨气
  3. A committee was set up to look into the workers' grievances.成立了一个委员会来调查工人的不满。
  4. I am too busy to listen to her endless grievance.我太忙了,没空听她那没完没了的牢骚。


An actual or supposed circumstance regarded as just cause for protest.不平之事,委屈:被认为是抗议的合理理由的一种实际的或设想中的情况A complaint or protestation based on such a circumstance.See Synonyms at injustice 不平,气恼,牢骚:因这种情况引起的抱怨或抗议参见 injusticeIndignation or resentment stemming from a feeling of having been wronged.气愤,愤恨:因被误解而产生的气愤或愤恨Obsolete 【废语】 The act of inflicting hardship or harm.苦难:使人受伤害或磨难的行为The cause of hardship or harm.苦难的原因:磨难或伤害的原因
来源:Middle English grevaunce 中古英语 grevaunce from Old French grevance 源自 古法语 grevance from grever [to harm] * see grieve 源自 grever [伤害] *参见 grieve