back是什么意思 back在线中文翻译



a. 后面的
vt. 使后退, 支持
vi. 倒退, 背靠
ad. 向后地
n. 背部, 后面
【医】 背部, 背, 靠背
【经】 支持, 订货; 向后地
back of beyond
be glad to see the back of...
behind someone's back
in back of...
to put someone's back up
to back down
to back onto sth
at sb's back
to back of...
back to back
behind sb's back
be on one's back
be on sb's back
to break sb's back
to break the back of sth
to cast sth behind one's back
to get off sb's back
on the back of...
to put one's back into sth
to rip up the back
to see the back of sb
to talk through the back of one's neck
with one's back to the wall


形容词:backless 动词过去式:backed 过去分词:backed 现在分词:backing 第三人称单数:backs 


back, backward, hind, behind
back: 作为副词或形容词时,强调所修饰物的位置以及动作运动方向。
backward: 可用于人或物,指向后的,落后的或迟钝的。
hind: 指成对并且分前后的东西的“后面的”。
behind: 指一物同它物相对的位置或场所。
back, uphold, support, sustain, advocate
back: 通常指对论点、行动、事业等的强有力支持。
uphold: 既可指积极努力对陷入困境者的支持,也可指给某人在行动、道义或信仰上的支持。
support: 含义广泛,多指在道义上或物质上支持某人,也可指对某项事业的支持。
sustain: 侧重指连续不断的支持。
advocate: 多指通过写文章或发表演说等来支持或拥护,往往暗示提倡某事或为某事辩护。


名词 back:

  1. the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine同义词:dorsum
  2. the side that goes last or is not normally seen同义词:rear
  3. the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer同义词:rear
  4. (football) a person who plays in the backfield
  5. the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord同义词:spinal column, vertebral column, spine, backbone, rachis
  6. the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book同义词:binding, book binding, cover
  7. the part of a garment that covers the back of your body
  8. a support that you can lean against while sitting同义词:backrest
  9. the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage

动词 back:

  1. be behind; approve of同义词:endorse, indorse, plump for, plunk for, support
  2. travel backward
  3. give support or one's approval to同义词:second, endorse, indorse
  4. cause to travel backward
  5. support financial backing for
  6. be in back of
  7. place a bet on同义词:bet on, gage, stake, game, punt
  8. shift to a counterclockwise direction
  9. establish as valid or genuine同义词:back up
  10. strengthen by providing with a back or backing

形容词 back:

  1. related to or located at the back
  2. located at or near the back of an animal同义词:hind, hinder
  3. of an earlier date

副词 back:

  1. in or to or toward a former location
  2. at or to or toward the back or rear同义词:backward, backwards, rearward, rearwards
  3. in or to or toward an original condition
  4. in or to or toward a past time同义词:backward
  5. in answer同义词:in reply
  6. in repayment or retaliation


  1. He proved that he was right and his critics had to back down.他证明了他是正确的,而那些非难他的人不得不收起他们那一套。
  2. Please back the check.请在这张支票背后签名。
  3. The organization is backed by the UN.这机构得到联合国的资助。
  4. You'll make your back ache if you carry those heavy buckets.如果你背那些沉重的桶,你的背会痛的。
  5. Stand back! You're stepping on my toes.向后站!你踩在我的脚趾头上了。
  6. Put the book back on the shelf when you've finished it.书读完后,要放回原处。
  7. Three people can sit in the back of this car.这车的后座可坐3个人。
  8. John plays back in the team.约翰在这个队打后卫。


The posterior portion of the trunk of the human body between the neck and the pelvis; the dorsum.背部:人体躯干的后部,在脖子和骨盆之间;背部The analogous dorsal region in other animals.动物的背部:其它动物相似的背部部位The backbone or spine.脊骨或脊柱The part or area farthest from the front.后部:离前面最远的部分或地区The part opposite to or behind that adapted for view or use:背面,反面:与看见或使用的部分相反或在其后面的部分:例句:the back of the hand; wrote on the back of the photograph.手背;写在照片背面
The reverse side, as of a coin.反面:反面,如硬币的反面A part that supports or strengthens from the rear:靠背:从后部支持或加强的部分:例句:the back of a couch.睡椅的靠背
The part of a book where the pages are stitched or glued together into the binding.书脊:书页被装订或粘在一起成册的滚边部分The binding itself.装订本身Sports 【体育运动】 A player who takes a position behind the front line of other players in certain games, such as football.后卫:在某种比赛项目中,如足球,处在其它运动员前线位置之后的运动员This playing position.后卫位置v.(动词)backed,,backs及物动词)To cause to move backward or in a reverse direction:使倒退:引起向后或相反方向移动:例句:Back the car up ten feet and then make the turn.把车向后倒0英尺然后转弯
To furnish or strengthen with a back or backing.背靠,加固:用后背或支持物装备或加强To provide with financial or spiritual help; support or sustain:支持,后援:提供财政的或精神上的帮助;支持或维持:例句:backed our candidate with a $,000-a-plate dinner.See Synonyms at support 以一人000美元的晚餐为我们的候选人打气参见 support
To bet or wager on.打赌:打赌或用…赌博To adduce evidence in support of; substantiate:引证,证明:提出证据支持;证明,证实:例句:backed the argument with facts.用事实证明论点
To form the back or background of:形成…的背部或背景:例句:Snowcapped mountains back the village.白雪皑皑的山峦形成了村庄的背景
v.intr.(不及物动词)To move backward.倒退:向后移动To shift to a counterclockwise direction. Used of the wind.逆时针转向:转变为逆时针方向。用于指风adj.(形容词)Located or placed in the rear:后部的:位于或安置在后面的:例句:Deliveries should be made at the back entrance.交货应在后面的入口处
Distant from a center of activity; remote.偏远的:远离活动中心的;偏远的Of a past date; not current:过时的,不流行的:属于过去的日子的;不是现时的:例句:a back issue of a periodical.过期的期刊
Being owed or due from an earlier time; in arrears:积欠的:较早时期应拥有或到期的;拖欠的:例句:back pay.欠薪
Being in a backward direction.向后的:处于向后的方向的Linguistics Pronounced with the back of the tongue, asoo in cool. Used of vowels. 【语言学】 舌根的:用舌根发音的,如oocool 一词中的发音。用于元音字母 adv.(副词)At, to, or toward the rear or back; backward.在后地,向后地:在、到或向着后面或后部地;向后地,落后地In, to, or toward a former location:回到原处:在、到或向着从前的位置:例句:went back for the class reunion.参加同班同学会
In, to, or toward a former condition.回到原先状态:在、到或向着从前的状态地In, to, or toward a past time.从前地:在、到到向着过去的年代地In reserve or concealment.储存地或隐蔽地In check or under restraint:阻挡地:处于被节制或被隐瞒的状态:例句:Barriers held the crowd back.栅栏将群众挡住了
In reply or return.回答或归还
<常用词组>back away
To withdraw from a position; retreat.撤退:从某个位置撤离;撤退back down
To withdraw from a position, opinion, or commitment.让步,放弃:从某个位置、观点或义务中撤出back off
To retreat or draw away.撤回或离开back out
To withdraw from (an enterprise or a plan) before completion.中途退出:在完成之前从(某项计划或事业)中退出To fail to keep a commitment or promise.失言:没有履行义务或诺言back up
To cause to accumulate or undergo accumulation:使聚集:引起堆积或经过积累:例句:The accident backed the traffic up for blocks. Traffic backed up in the tunnel.事故引起了交通阻塞。在地下道中引起了交通阻塞
Computer Science To make a backup of (a program or file).【计算机科学】 备份:为(程序或文件)备份常用词组><习惯用语>back and fill
Nautical To maneuver a vessel in a narrow channel by adjusting the sails so as to let the wind in and out of them in alteration.【航海】 调整航向:在狭窄的水道中操纵船,通过调整风帆以便使风帆间进出的风向有所改变To vacillate in one`s actions or decisions.举棋不定:在行动与决定之间犹豫不决习惯用语>来源:Middle English bak 中古英语 bak from Old English bôc 源自 古英语 bôc
adj.(形容词)The expressionback of is an informal variant of in back of and is best avoided in writing: There was a small stable in back of (not simply back of ) the house. 表达方式back ofin back of 的一种不正式的变形方式, 最好避免在书面语中运用,如: There was a small stable in back of(不要简单地说成 back ofthe house (房后有一个小马厩)

back 2
n.(名词)A shallow vat or tub used chiefly by brewers.大浅桶:主要供酿酒商用的一种浅的盆或缸
来源:Dutch bak 荷兰语 bak from French bac 源自 法语 bac from Old French [boat] 源自 古法语 [船] from Vulgar Latin *baccus [vessel] 源自 俗拉丁语 *baccus [船,容器] [probably of Celtic origin] [可能源于凯尔特语的]