execute是什么意思 execute在线中文翻译



vt. 执行, 实行, 完成, 处死, 制成
【计】 执行
【化】 实施
【经】 让渡(财产), 签名盖章生效


名词:executer 动词过去式:executed 过去分词:executed 现在分词:executing 第三人称单数:executes 形容词:executable 


kill, murder, slaughter, massacre, assassinate, execute
kill: 普通用词,含义广泛,泛指以任何方式使人、动物或植物死亡。
murder: 指谋杀或凶杀。
slaughter: 本义指大批宰杀动物,也指像屠宰牲畜一样一次杀死许多人。
massacre: 语气比slaughter强。指大屠杀,尤指屠杀失去了自卫能力的人。
assassinate: 通常指因政治原因用非法手段杀害政治领袖人物或知名人士。
execute: 指依法处死罪犯。
perform, conduct, do, execute, fulfil
perform: 指完成困难较大、较复杂的任务,较正式用词。
conduct: >和perform一样比较正式,二者意义相近,但conduct含指导、领导或监督等意味。
do: 最普通常用词,指完成某项具体工作、任务,也指完成某种行为或动作。
execute: 指需专门技术、熟练技巧去完成某种复杂的任务或表演等,也指用行动把计划或打算付诸实施或执行某项命令。
fulfil: 指履行和实现所许诺的、所期望或要求的事情,含最终完成的意味。


动词 execute:

  1. kill as a means of socially sanctioned punishment同义词:put to death
  2. murder in a planned fashion
  3. put in effect同义词:carry through, accomplish, carry out, action, fulfill, fulfil
  4. carry out the legalities of
  5. carry out a process or program, as on a computer or a machine同义词:run
  6. carry out or perform an action同义词:perform, do
  7. sign in the presence of witnesses


  1. They executed the king.他们把国王处决了。
  2. Congress makes the laws; the President executes them.国会制定法律,总统执行法律。
  3. The nurse executed the doctor's orders.护士执行医生的命令。


v.tr.(及物动词)ex.e.cut.ed,ex.e.cut.ing,ex.e.cutes To put into effect; carry out:执行;实行:例句:a government that executes the decisions of the ruling party.政府执行执政党的决定
To perform; do:实行;做:例句:execute a U-turn.See Synonyms at perform 做个U形转弯参见 perform
To create (a work of art, for example) in accordance with a prescribed design.做成,制成:按图样生产或制作(一件艺术品等)To make valid, as by signing:(签署)使生效:通过签字使生效:例句:execute a deed.签名使契约生效
To perform or carry out what is required by:履行:执行或实行命令:例句:execute the terms of a will.执行遗嘱
To put to death, especially by carrying out a lawful sentence.处死:处死,尤指执行法律判决Computer Science To run (a program or an instruction).【计算机科学】 执行,运行:执行(程序或命令)
来源:Middle English executen 中古英语 executen from Old French executer 源自 古法语 executer from Medieval Latin execôt3re 源自 中世纪拉丁语 execôt3re from Latin execôtor [executor] 源自 拉丁语 execôtor [执行者] from execôtus [past participle of] exequo, exsequo 源自 execôtus [] exequo, exsequo的过去分词 ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表.前任的,从前的.] sequo [to follow] * see sek w- sequo [跟随] *参见 sek w-