bind是什么意思 bind在线中文翻译



vt. 绑, 约束, 装订, 包扎, 使结合
vi. 凝固, 有约束力
【计】 赋值, 绑定
【经】 捆, 绑, 具有约束力
to bind oneself to do sth
in a bind
to bind sb over


动词过去式:bound 过去分词:bound 现在分词:binding 第三人称单数:binds 


名词 bind:

  1. something that hinders as if with bonds

动词 bind:

  1. stick to firmly同义词:adhere, hold fast, bond, stick, stick to
  2. create social or emotional ties同义词:tie, attach, bond
  3. make fast; tie or secure, with or as if with a rope
  4. wrap around with something so as to cover or enclose同义词:bandage
  5. secure with or as if with ropes同义词:tie down, tie up, truss
  6. bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted同义词:oblige, hold, obligate
  7. form a chemical bond with
  8. provide with a binding
  9. fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord同义词:tie
  10. cause to be constipated同义词:constipate


  1. She bound up her hair with a handkerchief.她用手绢把头发扎了起来。
  2. Their refusal to sign the contract has put us in a bit of a bind.他们拒绝签约,从而使我们的处境有些困难。
  3. I am bound by my promise.我必须遵守自己的诺言。


v.(动词)bound[bound],binds及物动词)To tie or secure, as with a rope or cord.捆:用绳或线等捆绑或弄牢To fasten or wrap by encircling, as with a belt or ribbon.绑:用带或丝带围住包紧To bandage:包扎:例句:bound up their wounds.包扎他们的伤口
To hold or restrain with or as if with bonds.连接:用或好象用绑带结合或固定To compel, obligate, or unite:强迫:强迫、强制或使联合:例句:bound by a deep sense of duty; bound by a common interest in sports.为强烈的责任感所驱使;由于对体育运动的共同兴趣而结合
Law To place under legal obligation by contract or oath.【法律】 使负义务:为合约或誓言的法律责任所约束To make certain or irrevocable:使确定或不变:例句:bind the deal with a down payment.确定其为现付交易
To apprentice or indenture:立约为学徒:成为学徒或以契约约束(学徒):例句:was bound out as a servant.立约做服务员
To cause to cohere or stick together in a mass:使黏着:使结合或粘合在一起:例句:Bind the dry ingredients with milk and eggs.把干配料与牛奶、鸡蛋搅和
To enclose and fasten (a book or other printed material) between covers.装订:粘并粘牢(书或印刷品的)每一页To furnish with an edge or border for protection, reinforcement, or ornamentation.镶边:为保护、结实和装饰的目的而给…加边To constipate.使便秘To form a chemical bond with.与…形成化学键v.intr.(不及物动词)To tie up or fasten something.捆绑,拉紧To stick or become stuck:粘着或变粘:例句:applied a lubricant to keep the moving parts from binding.加入润滑油使活动部分运转自如
To be uncomfortably tight or restricting, as clothes.衣服紧绷:衣服等使人不舒服地紧身或束缚To become compact or solid; cohere.凝固:使坚实或变硬;粘着紧凑To be compelling or unifying:结合:强迫或使成一体:例句:the ties that bind.束缚关系
To form a chemical bond.形成化学键n.(名词)
The act of binding.捆绑The state of being bound.被束缚:被束缚的状态Something that binds.捆绑物A place where something binds:结合处:结合的地方:例句:a bind halfway up the seam of the skirt.裙子中间接缝的地方
Informal A difficult, restrictive, or unresolvable situation:【非正式用语】 困境:困难的、束缚的或无法解决的情况:例句:found themselves in a bind when their car broke down.当车坏了后,他们不知该如何解决
Music A tie, slur, or brace.【音乐】 连结线,圆滑线,连谱号
<常用词组>bind off
To cast off in knitting.收针:编织时收针bind over 【法律】
To hold on bail or place under bond.保释:支持保释或以保证书保释常用词组>来源:Middle English binden 中古英语 binden from Old English bindan * see bhendh- 源自 古英语 bindan *参见 bhendh-