hopping是什么意思 hopping在线中文翻译



【计】 跳跃


动词 hop:

  1. jump lightly同义词:hop, skip, hop-skip
  2. move quickly from one place to another同义词:hop
  3. travel by means of an aircraft, bus, etc.同义词:hop
  4. make a quick trip especially by air同义词:hop
  5. jump across同义词:hop
  6. make a jump forward or upward同义词:hop


  1. People say he cheats in the race by hopping up his engine.据说他在赛车时偷换大功率发动机作弊。
  2. The boss is hopping mad about it and `mad' is the operative word.老板对此事暴跳如雷--`暴跳如雷'这个成语在句中最重要。
  3. I'm hopping over to Paris for the weekend.我要去巴黎度周末。
  4. Several frogs were hopping about on the lawn.有几只青蛙在草地上跳来跳去。