dishonor是什么意思 dishonor在线中文翻译



n. 不名誉
vt. 玷辱, 使蒙羞


名词:dishonorer 动词过去式:dishonored 过去分词:dishonored 现在分词:dishonoring 第三人称单数:dishonors 


名词 dishonor:

  1. a state of shame or disgrace同义词:dishonour
  2. lacking honor or integrity同义词:dishonour

动词 dishonor:

  1. bring shame or dishonor upon同义词:disgrace, dishonour, attaint, shame
  2. force (someone) to have sex against their will同义词:rape, ravish, violate, assault, dishonour, outrage
  3. refuse to accept同义词:dishonour


  1. The choice lies between death and dishonor.必须在死和羞辱之间作一抉择。
  2. Great personal dishonor or humiliation.侮辱对个人名誉的重大损坏或对个人的侮辱
  3. His behaviors have brought dishonor onto his family.他的行为给他的家庭带来了耻辱。
  4. He was a dishonor to his regiment.他是那个团的耻辱。


n.(名词)Loss of honor, respect, or reputation.See Synonyms at disgrace 不名誉,名声败坏:失去荣誉、尊敬或名望参见 disgraceThe condition of having lost honor or good repute.耻辱,羞辱:失去荣誉或好名声的状态A cause of loss of honor:失去荣誉的原因:例句:had become a dishonor to the club.已成为这个俱乐部的耻辱
Failure to pay or refusal to accept a note, a bill, or another commercial obligation.拒付:不能付款或拒绝接受债券、票据或其他商业责任及物动词)dis.hon.ored,,dis.hon.ors To bring shame or disgrace upon.使丢脸,使蒙辱To treat in a disrespectful or demeaning manner.不尊重,侮辱:以不尊重或有损人格的方式对待To fail or refuse to accept or pay (a note, bill, or check, for example).拒付,拒绝承兑(如票据或支票)
来源:Middle English dishonour 中古英语 dishonour from Old French deshonor 源自 古法语 deshonor des- [dis-] des- [表示.除去,不.的意思] honor [honor] * see honor honor [名誉,荣誉] *参见 honor