fact是什么意思 fact在线中文翻译



n. 事实, 真实性, 真相, 细节, 论据
in fact
in point of fact
as a matter of fact


名词 fact:

  1. a piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred
  2. a statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened
  3. an event known to have happened or something known to have existed
  4. a concept whose truth can be proved


  1. For eight years she was in fact spying for the enemy.八年来她实际上一直为敌人做间谍工作。
  2. Before we make detailed plans, we need some more facts and figures.我们还需要更多的精确资料才能制定出详细计画。
  3. He doesn't mind. In fact, he is even pleased.他不介意,事实上,他甚至很高兴。
  4. It is a fact that I have written this sentence.我写了这个句子是事实。


n.(名词)Information presented as objectively real.实情:代表客观现实的信息A real occurrence; an event:事实:真实存在的事情;事件:例句:had to prove the facts of the accident.不得不证明车祸的真实存在
Something having real, demonstrable existence:真相:有真实的、可论证的存在的事物:例句:Genetic engineering is now a fact.遗传工程现在是实在的技术
The quality of being real or actual:真实性:真实的或实际的性质:例句:a blur of fact and fancy.真实和幻想掺杂不清
A thing that has been done, especially a crime:行为:已做的事,尤指犯罪:例句:an accessory before the fact.事前从犯
Law The aspect of a case at law comprising events determined by evidence:【法律】 案情:经证据证明的法律案件的法律构成要件的某方面:例句:The jury made a finding of fact.陪审团对案件进行判决
<习惯用语>in (point of) fact
In reality or in truth; actually.实际上,确实情况;事实上习惯用语>来源:Latin factum [deed] [from neuter past participle of] facere [to do] * see dhô- 拉丁语 factum [行为] [] 源自facere的中性过去分词 [做] *参见 dhô-
Fact has a long history of usage in the sense .allegation of fact,. as in .This tract was distributed to thousands of American teachers, but the facts and the reasoning are wrong. (Albert Shanker).This practice has led inevitably to the introduction of the phrasestrue facts and real facts, as inThe true facts of the case may never be known. These usages may occasion qualms among critics who hold that facts cannot be other than true,but they often serve a useful purpose.Fact 有一个漫长的历史用于表示.宣告事实., 如在.这个小册子被散发到数以千计的美国教师手中,可这个宣称的事实和推理过程是错误的. (阿尔伯特·尚克)。这个惯例不可避免地导致引进词组true factsreal facts , 如在这个案件的真实可能从未被证实 中。 这些用法在那些认为不可能不是真的事实的批评家中可能引起疑虑,而他们常用于有用的目的