got是什么意思 got在线中文翻译



【化】 谷草转氨酶; 谷氨酸草酰乙酸转氨酶


动词 get:

  1. come into the possession of something concrete or abstract同义词:get, acquire
  2. enter or assume a certain state or condition同义词:become, go, get
  3. cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition同义词:get, let, have
  4. receive a specified treatment (abstract)同义词:receive, get, find, obtain, incur
  5. reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress同义词:arrive, get, come
  6. go or come after and bring or take back同义词:bring, get, convey, fetch
  7. go through (mental or physical states or experiences)同义词:experience, receive, have, get, undergo
  8. take vengeance on or get even同义词:pay back, pay off, get, fix
  9. achieve a point or goal同义词:have, get, make
  10. cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner同义词:induce, stimulate, cause, have, get, make
  11. succeed in catching or seizing, especially after a chase同义词:get, catch, capture
  12. come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes)同义词:grow, develop, produce, get, acquire
  13. be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness同义词:contract, take, get
  14. communicate with a place or person; establish communication with, as if by telephone同义词:get
  15. give certain properties to something同义词:make, get
  16. move into a desired direction of discourse同义词:drive, get, aim
  17. grasp with the mind or develop an understanding of同义词:catch, get
  18. attract and fix同义词:catch, arrest, get
  19. reach with a blow or hit in a particular spot同义词:get, catch
  20. reach by calculation同义词:get
  21. acquire as a result of some effort or action同义词:get
  22. purchase同义词:get
  23. perceive by hearing同义词:catch, get
  24. suffer from the receipt of同义词:catch, get
  25. receive as a retribution or punishment同义词:get, receive
  26. leave immediately; used usually in the imperative form同义词:scram, buzz off, fuck off, get, bugger off
  27. reach and board同义词:get
  28. irritate同义词:get, get under one's skin
  29. evoke an emotional response同义词:get
  30. apprehend and reproduce accurately同义词:catch, get
  31. earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher同义词:draw, get
  32. overcome or destroy同义词:get
  33. be a mystery or bewildering to同义词:perplex, vex, stick, get, puzzle, mystify, baffle, beat, pose, bewilder, flummox, stupefy, nonplus, gravel, amaze, dumbfound
  34. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action同义词:get down, begin, get, start out, start, set about, set out, commence
  35. undergo (as of injuries and illnesses)同义词:suffer, sustain, have, get
  36. make children同义词:beget, get, engender, father, mother, sire, generate, bring forth


  1. I got an unfavourable score.我得到一个不理想的成绩。
  2. Now I've got it.现在我明白了。
  3. They only got an incomplete set of results from the experiment.他们从这次实验中只得到了一组不完整的答案。
  4. All the female workers in this factory got a present on March 8.这家工厂的所有女职工在三八节都得到了一份礼物。
  5. You've got it.你明白了。
  6. Jack's got two complimentary tickets for the Cup Final, so guess where we're going next Saturday!杰克弄得两张锦标决赛的赠券,因此你可以猜到下周六我们准备去哪儿了吧!
  7. He got a small quotient of his father's property.他得到了他父亲财产的一小部分。
  8. Have you got that?你明白我的意思吗?


v.(动词)Past tense and a past participle of get get的过去式和过去分词