concerning是什么意思 concerning在线中文翻译



prep. 关于
【法】 关于


动词 concern:

  1. have to do with or be relevant to同义词:refer, pertain, relate, concern, come to, bear on, touch, touch on
  2. be on the mind of同义词:concern, interest, occupy, worry


  1. Let me see all the official documents concerning the sale of this land.让我看看买卖这块土地的所有官方文件。
  2. German chemist. He shared a1950 Nobel Prize for discoveries concerning the structure of organic matter.阿尔德,库尔特1902-1958德国化学家,因其有关有机物结构的发现而获1950年的诺贝尔奖
  3. Relating to the rights of private individuals and legal proceedings concerning these rights as distinguished from criminal, military, or international regulations or proceedings.民事的,民法的关于个人隐私权及相关于这些权利的法律诉讼程序的,区别于刑事的、军事的或国际的条例或诉讼程序
  4. Concerning each of two or more persons or things.交互的,相互的关于两个或多个人或物中的每一个的
  5. They show great anxiety concerning their retirement allowance.他们对自己的养老金问题显得十分焦虑。

prep.(介词)In reference to.See Usage Note at participle 关于参见 participle