distributed是什么意思 distributed在线中文翻译



a. 分布式的
【计】 分散对齐, 分布式处理


动词 distribute:

  1. administer or bestow, as in small portions同义词:distribute, administer, mete out, deal, parcel out, lot, dispense, shell out, deal out, dish out, allot, dole out
  2. distribute or disperse widely同义词:spread, distribute
  3. make available同义词:distribute
  4. give out同义词:distribute, give out, hand out, pass out
  5. cause to be distributed同义词:circulate, pass around, pass on, distribute
  6. cause to become widely known同义词:circulate, circularize, circularise, distribute, disseminate, propagate, broadcast, spread, diffuse, disperse, pass around
  7. spread throughout a given area同义词:distribute
  8. be distributed or spread, as in statistical analyses同义词:distribute
  9. be mathematically distributive同义词:distribute
  10. to arrange in a systematic order同义词:stagger, distribute

形容词 distributed:

  1. spread out or scattered about or divided up


  1. In a co-operative profits are distributed among the work-force.在合作社中,利润是在全体劳动者中进行分配的。
  2. Baggage loaded onto an aircraft must be evenly distributed.飞机载运的行李应均匀放置在各个部位。
  3. The books in the library were distributed according to subjects.图书馆里的藏书按科目分类。
  4. They distributed leaflets to customers.他们给客户散发传单。
  5. The mother distributed candy among children.母亲给孩子们发糖果。