except是什么意思 except在线中文翻译



vt. 除, 除外
vi. 反对
prep. 除了...之外, 若不是, 除非
conj. 只是
except for...


动词过去式:excepted 过去分词:excepted 现在分词:excepting 第三人称单数:excepts 


besides, but, except, except for
besides: 着重于指另外还有。
but: 侧重指不包括在内。
except: 侧重于排除在外,从整体里减去。可与but换用,但语气较强。
except for: 多用于在说明基本情况或对主要部分加以肯定,还引出相反的原因或细节,从而部分地修正前面的主要意思,含惋惜意味。


动词 except:

  1. take exception to同义词:demur
  2. prevent from being included or considered or accepted同义词:exclude, leave out, leave off, omit, take out


  1. They all went to sleep except me.除我之外,他们都去睡觉了。
  2. I excepted James from my invitation.我没有邀请詹姆斯。


prep.Abbr. ex.,exc.(介词)缩写 ex.,exc.With the exclusion of; other than; but:除…之外;除外;除…之外:例句:everyone except me.除我之处的所有人
conj.(连接词)If it were not for the fact that; only:如果不是;除…之外:例句:I would buy the suit, except that it costs too much.如果不是它售价太高的话,我本想买下那件衣服
Otherwise than:除此以外:例句:They didn`t open their mouths except to complain.除了抱怨他们从不开口
Unless.除非v.(动词)ex.cept.ed,ex.cept.ing,ex.cepts v.tr.(及物动词)To leave out; exclude:排除;不包括:例句:An admission fee is charged, but children are excepted.收入场费,但儿童除外
v.intr.(不及物动词)To object:反对:例句:Counsel excepted to the court`s ruling.律师反对法院的裁决
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Latin exceptus [past participle of] excipere [to exclude] 源自 拉丁语 exceptus [] excipere的过去分词 [不包括] ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表.出自…,向外.] capere [to take] * see kap- capere [拿走] *参见 kap-
Except in the sense of .with the exclusion of. or .other than. is generally construed as a preposition, not a conjunction.A personal pronoun that followsexcept is therefore in the objective case: Except 含有.除…之外.或.除了.的意思时, 通常用作介词而不是连词。人称代词用于except 之后时通常用宾格: 例句:No one except me knew it.除我之外没人知道它;
例句:Every member of the original cast was signed except her. 除她之外的原班演员都是签约雇佣的。