discourse是什么意思 discourse在线中文翻译



n. 谈话, 演讲
vi. 谈话, 讲述


名词:discourser 动词过去式:discoursed 过去分词:discoursed 现在分词:discoursing 第三人称单数:discourses 


名词 discourse:

  1. extended verbal expression in speech or writing
  2. an address of a religious nature (usually delivered during a church service)同义词:sermon, preaching
  3. an extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic同义词:discussion, treatment

动词 discourse:

  1. to consider or examine in speech or writing同义词:talk about, discuss
  2. carry on a conversation同义词:converse
  3. talk at length and formally about a topic同义词:hold forth, dissertate


  1. Sweet discourse makes short days and nights.[谚]话若投机嫌日短。
  2. He discoursed impressively on Newton's theory of gravity.他讲述了牛顿的引力定律,给人以深刻的印象。
  3. They listened to his discourse on human relations.他们听他作关于人际关系的演讲。
  4. The judges had solemn discourse together.法官们在一起严肃地交谈。


n.(名词)Verbal expression in speech or writing.演说,论述:口头表达或书面文字表达Verbal exchange; conversation.交谈;对话A formal, lengthy discussion of a subject, either written or spoken.正式的讨论:对某一题目的正式、长时间的书面或口头讨论Archaic The process or power of reasoning.【古语】 推理能力:推理过程或能力v.(动词)dis.coursed,dis.cours.ing,dis.cours.es[d-skôrs., -skôrs.] v.intr.(不及物动词)To speak or write formally and at length.See Synonyms at speak 演说:正式而长久地讲述或书写参见 speakTo engage in conversation or discussion; converse.谈论,谈话:进行谈话或谈论;交谈v.tr.Archaic (及物动词)【古语】 To narrate or discuss.叙述,讨论
来源:Middle English discours [process of reasoning] 中古英语 discours [推理过程] from Medieval Latin discursus 源自 中世纪拉丁语 discursus from Latin [a running about] [from past participle of] discurrere [to run about] 源自 拉丁语 [东奔西跑;奔忙] [] 源自discurrere的过去分词 [东奔西跑;奔忙] dis- [apart] * see dis- dis- [分开,离开] *参见 dis-currere [to run] * see kers- currere [跑] *参见 kers-