dropping是什么意思 dropping在线中文翻译



n. 点滴, 滴下, 落下
【医】 跛行步态


动词 drop:

  1. let fall to the ground同义词:drop
  2. to fall vertically同义词:drop
  3. go down in value同义词:drop
  4. fall or drop to a lower place or level同义词:sink, drop, drop down
  5. terminate an association with同义词:drop
  6. utter casually同义词:drop
  7. stop pursuing or acting同义词:drop, knock off
  8. leave or unload, especially of passengers or cargo;同义词:drop, drop off, set down, put down, unload, discharge
  9. cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow同义词:fell, drop, strike down, cut down
  10. lose (a game)同义词:drop
  11. pay out同义词:spend, expend, drop
  12. lower the pitch of (musical notes)同义词:flatten, drop
  13. hang freely同义词:dangle, swing, drop
  14. stop associating with同义词:dismiss, send packing, send away, drop
  15. let or cause to fall in drops同义词:dribble, drip, drop
  16. get rid of同义词:shed, cast, cast off, shake off, throw, throw off, throw away, drop
  17. leave undone or leave out同义词:neglect, pretermit, omit, drop, miss, leave out, overlook, overleap
  18. change from one level to another同义词:drop
  19. grow worse同义词:devolve, deteriorate, drop, degenerate
  20. give birth; used for animals同义词:drop

形容词 dropping:

  1. coming down freely under the influence of gravity同义词:falling


  1. The old man is dropping away in the sofa.这位老人在沙发上打起瞌睡来。
  2. Constant dropping wears away a stone.[谚]滴水穿石。
  3. A wind arose, and rain drops began falling all at once.起风了,雨点忽然落下来。
  4. I kept dropping hints but he still didn't twig.我一直不停地暗示他,但他还是不懂。
  5. Anything that is dropped falls towards the ground because of the force of gravity.落下的东西因为地心引力的缘故,都会掉到地上。
  6. The airplane was attacked by dropping bombs.这架飞机遭到炸弹的袭击。
  7. Here come the orator, with his flood of word and his drop of reason.来了个演讲大家,确是口若悬河,但仅有点滴道理。
  8. The ground dropped away sheer at our feet.我们脚下的地面垂直地陷落下去。


n.(名词)Something dropped.滴下物droppings The excrement of animals. droppings 动物的粪