due是什么意思 due在线中文翻译



n. 应得的东西, 应付款
a. 到期的, 应得的, 应付的, 约定的
【经】 满期, 付款日期, 到期
due to...


名词 due:

  1. that which is deserved or owed
  2. a payment that is due (e.g., as the price of membership)

形容词 due:

  1. owed and payable immediately or on demand同义词:owed
  2. scheduled to arrive
  3. suitable to or expected in the circumstances

副词 due:

  1. directly or exactly; straight


  1. The team's success was largely due to her efforts.该队的成功在很大程度上是由於她的努力。
  2. I don't like him, but, to give him his due, he is a good worker.我不喜欢他,但是说句公道话,他是个好工人。
  3. His success is entirely due to hard work.他的成功完全是努力工作的结果。
  4. Her baby is due next week.她的宝宝预计在下个月出世。


adj.(形容词)Payable immediately or on demand.应付的:可立即支付或应要求可支付的Owed as a debt; owing:欠债的;欠付的:例句:the amount still due.欠付的款额
In accord with right, convention, or courtesy; appropriate:适当的:符合权力,惯例或礼貌的;适当的:例句:due esteem; all due respect.应有的评价;全部应有的尊敬
Meeting special requirements; sufficient:满足特别要求的;充分的:例句:We have due cause to honor them.我们有充分的理由给予他们荣誉
Expected or scheduled, especially appointed to arrive:预定的,约定的:预期或预定的,尤指预定到达的:例句:Their plane is due in 5 minutes.他们的飞机预定在5分钟后到达
Anticipated; looked for:被期望的;盼望的:例句:a long due promotion.盼望已久的提升
Expecting or ready for something as part of a normal course or sequence:该到的:预料或准备某事作为正常过程或程序的一部分到来的:例句:We`re due for some rain. This batter is due for another hit.很快就会下雨了。击球手已经准备好再挥棒
Usage Problem Capable of being attributed.See Usage Note at due to 【用法疑难】 因为…引起的参见 due ton.(名词)Something owed or deserved:应得的东西:例句:You finally received your due.你终于得到了你应得的
dues A charge or fee for membership, as in a club or organization. dues 会费:对成员资格征取的费用,如俱乐部或某一组织的会费adv.(副词)Straight; directly:直接地;直达地:例句:Go due west.笔直向西走
Archaic Duly.【古语】 适当地
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French deu [past participle of] devoir [to owe] 源自 古法语 deu [] devoir的过去分词 [欠,负] from Latin bôre * see ghabh- 源自 拉丁语 bôre *参见 ghabh-