course是什么意思 course在线中文翻译



n. 课程, 路线, 过程, 一道菜, 道路
vt. 追, (使)跑
vi. 追, (使)跑
【医】 过程, 经过, 病程
take one's own course
walk over the course
a matter of course
course sb at the heels
by course of
hold one's course
in course
in course of
of course
in due course
in the course of
in the course of nature
in the course of time
on course
put sth out of course
run its course
shape one's course
stay the course


动词过去式:coursed 过去分词:coursed 现在分词:coursing 第三人称单数:courses 


class, lesson, lecture, course
class: 从“班级”引申指学生在一起上课,还可表示“(一节)课”。
lesson: 主要指教材中的一课或每次授课的单位时间。
lecture: 指讲课。
course: 指在一段时间内教完或学完的完整的课程。


名词 course:

  1. education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings同义词:course of study, course of instruction, class
  2. a connected series of events or actions or developments同义词:line
  3. facility consisting of a circumscribed area of land or water laid out for a sport
  4. a mode of action同义词:course of action
  5. a line or route along which something travels or moves同义词:path, track
  6. general line of orientation同义词:trend
  7. part of a meal served at one time
  8. (construction) a layer of masonry同义词:row

动词 course:

  1. move swiftly through or over
  2. move along, of liquids同义词:run, flow, feed
  3. hunt with hounds

副词 course:

  1. as might be expected同义词:naturally, of course


  1. The blood coursed through the arteries.血液在动脉血管中循环。
  2. Events took their natural course.事态依自然进程发展。
  3. Our course was straight to the north.我们是朝正北方向航行。


n.(名词)Onward movement in a particular direction; progress.进展,进程,经历:以特定方向向前运动;进展The direction of continuing movement:行动方向:持续运动的方向:例句:took a northern course.向北行进
The route or path taken by something, such as a stream, that moves.See Synonyms at way 道路,路线,水道:某物所走的道路和路线,如河的流向参见 wayMovement in time; duration:期间:时间上的运动;持续期间:例句:in the course of a year.一年当中
Sports A designated area of land or water on which a race is held or a sport played.【体育运动】 球场,跑道:专门划出的一片土地或水域,用来进行赛跑或其他运动项目A mode of action or behavior:行为,做法:行动或行为的方针:例句:followed the best course and invested her money.依照最佳的投资方式并进行投资
A typical or natural manner of proceeding or developing; customary passage:进展,惯例:进行或发展的典型或自然的方式;惯例:例句:a fad that ran its course.流行的趋势
A systematic or orderly succession; a sequence:系列,顺序:系统的或有次序的持续过程;顺序:例句:a course of medical treatments.医学治疗的一个疗程
A continuous layer of building material, such as brick or tile, on a wall or roof of a building.层,列,排:建筑材料的连续一层,如建筑物的墙壁或屋顶上的砖或瓦
A complete body of prescribed studies constituting a curriculum.课程,科目,教程:构成教学大纲的一整套指定学习体系A unit of such a curriculum.课程单元:这种教学大纲的一个单元A part of a meal served as a unit at one time.一道菜:同时作为一个单元一餐中的一部分Nautical The lowest sail on a mast of a square-rigged ship.【航海】 大横帆:带有横帆装置的船桅杆的最低的帆A point on the compass, especially the one toward which a ship is sailing.航向,刻度:指南针上的一点,尤指船航行所朝的那一点v.(动词)coursed,,及物动词)To move swiftly through or over; traverse:行经,横渡:快速移动地穿过或越过;穿过:例句:ships coursing the seas.行经海洋的船只
To hunt (game) with hounds.狩猎:带着猎狗追踪(猎物)To set (hounds) to chase game.使(猎犬)追踪猎物v.intr.(不及物动词)To proceed or move swiftly along a specified course:滑动,掠过:按特定的路线快速行进或移动:例句:.Big tears now coursed down her face.(Iris Murdoch).大颗的泪珠滑下她的面颊.(艾里斯·默多克)
To hunt game with hounds.以犬狩猎
<习惯用语>in due course
At the proper or right time.在合适或正好的时间of course
In the natural or expected order of things; naturally.自然地:按事物自然的或预期的顺序;自然地Without any doubt; certainly.无疑地;当然地习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French cours 源自 古法语 cours from Latin cursus [from past participle of] currere [to run] * see kers- 源自 拉丁语 cursus [] 源自currere的过去分词 [跑] *参见 kers-