definition是什么意思 definition在线中文翻译



n. 定义, 精确度, 清晰度
【计】 清晰度; 清晰度
【化】 清晰度
【医】 明度, 定界, 定义
by definition




名词 definition:

  1. a concise explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase or symbol
  2. clarity of outline


  1. The book attempts a definition of his role in world politics.该书要阐明的是他在世界政局中的作用。
  2. To give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use.给一个词下定义要比举例说明它的用法困难。
  3. The photo lacks definition.这张照片不够清晰。

n.Abbr. def.(名词)缩写 def.
A statement conveying fundamental character.定义:表达基本特征的说明A statement of the meaning of a word, phrase, or term, as in a dictionary entry.释义:对单词、短语或术语的意义的说明,如字典的词条中的解释The act or process of stating a precise meaning or significance; formulation of a meaning.解释:对意思或意义的精确表达或表达的过程;对意思确切的阐述
The act of making clear and distinct:清晰:使…清楚明晰的行为:例句:a definition of one`s intentions.意图的清楚表达
The state of being closely outlined or determined:轮廓清晰:指轮廓非常分明的状态:例句:.With the drizzle, the trees in the little clearing had lost definition.(Anthony Hyde).绵绵细雨中,那片小空地上的树木都分辨不出轮廓了.(安东尼·海德)
A determination of outline, extent, or limits:规定:对要点、范围或界限的确定:例句:the definition of a President`s authority.对总统权力的界定
The clarity of detail in an optically produced image, such as a photograph, effected by a combination of resolution and contrast.清晰,分解:在视觉产生的意象中,枝节部分清楚明晰是由分解和对比相结合造成的,如照片The degree of clarity with which a televised image or broadcast signal is received.清晰度,分解力:接收到电视传播图象或广播信号的清晰程度
来源:Middle English diffinicioun 中古英语 diffinicioun from Old French definition 源自 古法语 definition from Latin fonotiô- dôfonotiôn- 源自 拉丁语 fonotiô- dôfonotiôn- from fonotus [past participle of] dôfonore [to define] * see define 源自 fonotus [] dôfonore的过去分词 [限定] *参见 define