chief是什么意思 chief在线中文翻译



n. 领袖, 酋长, 长官, 主要部分
a. 主要的, 首位的
【法】 领袖, 首领, 头子
in chief
chief of all




chief, head, leader, boss
chief: 最广泛用词,上可指最高统治者,下可指顶头上司,也可指任何一级的头头。
head: 多指一个机构或团体等的负责人或最高首长。
leader: 指国家、民族、政党、组织等的领导或领袖。强调领导能力、含有能够引导、指导、控制被领导者并获得其支持的意味。
boss: 非正式用词,多作口语用,可指任何负责人,也可指经理、老板或工头。
chief, principal, main, major, leading, capital, foremost, primary
chief: 指人时,表同类中职位最高,权力最大;指物时,表同类中最重要,价值最高。
principal: 用于人时,指地位优于其他人;用于物时,指该物在大小、重要性等方面优于他物。
main: 通常只用于物。指在一定范围内,某物的重要性、体积或力量等超过其它物。
major: 指同其他人或其它物、问题等相比较,显得更加重要和突出。
leading: 侧重指具有影响力或凝聚力。从而有主导和引导的作用。
capital: 着重指因重要性、意义、优越或重大而名列同类之首。
foremost: 侧重指在行进或发展过程中居首位。
primary: 通常不用于人。用于物时,指在重要性方面占第一位。


名词 chief:

  1. a person who is in charge同义词:head, top dog
  2. a person who exercises control over workers同义词:foreman, gaffer, honcho, boss

形容词 chief:

  1. most important element同义词:main, primary, principal


  1. His nomination as chief executive was approved by the board.他被提名为行政总裁的事被董事会批准了。
  2. In the US, Washington is the seat of government and New York City is the chief seat of commerce.在美国,华盛顿是政府所在地,纽约是主要的商业中心。
  3. The chief interchanged the diamond with some pieces of glass.那首领拿一些玻璃块替换了那些钻石。
  4. What are the chief exports of your country?你们国家有哪些主要的出口物品?
  5. What is the chief town in Norway?挪威的主要城市是哪一个?
  6. The chief of the police department demanded severe punishments for criminals.警察局长要求严惩罪犯。


n.Abbr. ch.,Ch.,C.(名词)缩写 ch.,Ch.,C.One who is highest in rank or authority; a leader.首领:在等级或权威上最高的人;首领Often Chief 常作 Chief A chief petty officer.军士长Nautical The chief engineer of a ship.【航海】 轮机长:船上首席机械师Slang A boss.【俚语】 老板Heraldry The upper section of a shield.【纹章学】 纹章上段:盾牌的上面部分The most important or valuable part.主要部分:最重要的或最有价值的部分adj.(形容词)Highest in rank, authority, or office.最高的:在等级、权威或者职位上最高的Most important or influential.See Usage Note at perfect 最重要的或最具影响力的参见 perfectadv.Archaic (副词)【古语】 Chiefly.主要地
来源:Middle English chef 中古英语 chef from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin caput [head] * see kaput- 源自 拉丁语 caput [头目] *参见 kaput-
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>chief,principal,main,leading,foremost,primary,prime同义词>These adjectives refer to what is first in rank or in importance.这些形容词指在等级或重要性上占首要地位的东西。 Chief applies to a person of the highest authority: Chief 适用于具有最高权威的一个人: 例句:a chief magistrate. Used figuratively,chief implies maximum importance or value: 总统。 用作比喻意义时chief 含有最大重要性或最大价值的意思:
例句:Her children were her chief joy.她的孩子们是她最大的快乐。
Principal applies to someone or something of the first order in rank, power, or significance: Principal 适用于在等级、权力或意义上处于第一位的人或物: 例句:the principal cellist in an orchestra;一支管弦乐队的第一大提琴;
例句:their principal source of entertainment.他们乐趣的第一来源。
Main applies to what exceeds others in extent, size, or importance: Main 适用于在范围、尺寸、或重要性上超过其它的东西: 例句:the main building on the campus;校园里最主要的建筑物;
例句:the main subject of conversation.交谈中最主要的话题。
Leading suggests personal magnetism, a record of achievement, or suitability or capacity for influencing others: Leading 含有个人吸引力、成就记录或者影响他人的适合性或能力的意思: 例句:She is one of the leading physicians of the city.她是城中最好的医生之一。
Foremost is closely related toleading but more strongly emphasizes first position and the sense of having forged ahead of others: Foremost 同leading 有密切联系, 但更加强调第一的地位和遥遥领先于他人的含义: 例句:the foremost research scientist of the day.现今处于最前列的研究科学家。
Primary stresses first in the sense of origin, sequence, or development: Primary 强调在起源、结果或者发展的意义上的第一位的: 例句:attending primary school. It can also mean first in the sense of .basic. or .fundamental.: 上小学。 它也可以指在.基础的.或.根本的.意义上第一位的:
例句:The primary function of a house is to provide warmth and shelter.住宅最基本的功能是提供温暖,遮蔽风雨。
Prime applies to what is first in comparison with others and to what is of the best quality: Prime 适用于与其它东西相比较处于第一位的东西以及质量最好的东西: 例句:a theory of prime significance;极具重要性的理论;
例句:prime veal;上等小牛肉;
例句:a prime Burgundy. 头等勃良第红葡萄酒