dome是什么意思 dome在线中文翻译



n. 圆顶
vt. 加圆顶
vi. 成圆顶状
【化】 穹顶; 圆顶
【医】 圆顶


动词过去式:domed 过去分词:domed 现在分词:doming 第三人称单数:domes 


名词 dome:

  1. a concave shape whose distinguishing characteristic is that the concavity faces downward
  2. informal terms for a human head同义词:attic, bean, bonce, noodle, noggin
  3. a stadium that has a roof同义词:domed stadium, covered stadium
  4. a hemispherical roof


  1. Italian architect celebrated for his work during the Florentine Renaissance. His greatest achievement is the octagonal ribbed dome of the Florence cathedral.布鲁内莱斯基,菲利波1377-1446意大利建筑师,其作品在佛罗伦萨文艺复兴时期享有盛名。其杰作是佛罗伦萨大教堂的八边形肋骨穹隆
  2. A transparent dome on the top of an aircraft, through which celestial observations are made for navigation.天文观测舱,领航舱飞机顶部的一个透明圆顶形结构,航行时可通过它作天文观测
  3. Upward pressure from underlying magma domes the surface.地下岩浆的向上推力使地面成圆顶形。
  4. The dome of St. Paul Cathedral is well known in the world.圣保罗教堂的圆顶闻名于世。


A hemispherical roof or vault.圆屋顶或拱顶A structure or other object resembling such a hemispherical roof or vault.穹隆结构:类似于穹隆或圆屋顶的结构或物体Slang The human head.【俚语】 脑袋Chemistry A form of crystal with two similarly inclined faces that meet at an edge parallel to the horizontal axis.【化学】 晶坡面:晶体的两面倾斜度基本相同,交线与水平轴平行的一种形式Archaic A large, stately building.【古语】 大厦:雄伟的建筑物v.(动词)domed,,domes及物动词)To cover with or as if with a hemispherical roof or vault.加穹顶状物于To shape like such a roof or vault.使成穹顶状v.intr.(不及物动词)To rise or swell into the shape of a hemispherical roof or vault.隆成穹顶形
来源:From French dôme [dome, cathedral] from Italian duomo [cathedral] from Latin domus [house] * see dem- 源自 法语 dôme [穹顶,大教堂] 源自 意大利语 duomo [大教堂] 源自 拉丁语 domus [房屋] *参见 dem- and from French dôme [roof] from Provenôal doma from Greek ma [house] * see dem- 并源自 法语 dôme [屋顶] 源自 普罗旺斯语 doma 源自 希腊语 ma [房屋] *参见 dem-