condition是什么意思 condition在线中文翻译



n. 情况, 条件
vt. 使健康, 以...为条件, 决定, 使适应
【计】 条件
【医】 情况, 状态; 条件
【经】 情况, 状况, 条件
in good condition
out of condition
make it a condition that...
on this condition
in condition


动词过去式:conditioned 过去分词:conditioned 现在分词:conditioning 第三人称单数:conditions 


condition, state, status, situation, circumstance
condition: 一般强调产生影响的原因或环境,复数形式指笼统的情况。
state: 普通用词,指人或物在环境、外表、心灵以及健康方面的状况,或指在某一阶段的状态或形式。
status: 指一个人在政治、社会、经济、法律上的地位或身份,暗含地位显要意味。也可用于指政治等事态的状况。
situation: 指明确具体的环境情况或处境。
circumstance: 多指周围的情况或某事发生时的情况。
condition, terms
condition: 通常指为实现许诺、协议、计划、合同等而订出的必须遵守或满足的作为前提的条件或要求。
terms: 指谈判或订立合同等时,一方或双方提出或同意的条件。


名词 condition:

  1. a state at a particular time同义词:status
  2. a mode of being or form of existence of a person or thing
  3. an assumption on which rests the validity or effect of something else同义词:precondition, stipulation
  4. (usually plural) a statement of what is required as part of an agreement同义词:term
  5. the state of (good) health (especially in the phrases `in condition' or `in shape' or `out of condition' or `out of shape')同义词:shape
  6. information that should be kept in mind when making a decision同义词:circumstance, consideration
  7. the procedure that is varied in order to estimate a variable's effect by comparison with a control condition同义词:experimental condition

动词 condition:

  1. establish a conditioned response
  2. train by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control同义词:discipline, train, check
  3. specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement同义词:stipulate, qualify, specify
  4. put into a better state
  5. apply conditioner to in order to make smooth and shiny


  1. Find out what the conditions of the contract are.弄清楚合同的条件是什么。
  2. My expenditure is conditioned by my income.我的支出受我的收入限制。
  3. Weather conditions are good.天气情况良好。
  4. The boy was conditioned in English.这个男孩必须补考英语。


n.Abbr. cond.(名词)缩写 cond.A mode or state of being:情境:状态或状况:例句:.The Organization Man survives as a modern classic because it captures a permanent part of our social condition. (Robert J. Samuelson).那些人类得以维系的社会规范 只所以在现代社会中流传下来,是因为它抓住了我们社会状况的永恒不变的部分. (罗伯特J.塞缪尔森)
A state of健康的状态A state of readiness or physical fitness.See Synonyms at state 生理状况:稳定或身体健康的状态参见 stateA disease or physical ailment:疾病或身体不适:例句:a heart condition.心脏病
Social position; rank.社会地位;身份One that is indispensable to the appearance or occurrence of another; prerequisite:先决条件:对于另一事件的出现或发生是必不可少的;先决条件:例句:Compatibility is a condition of a successful marriage.和谐与否是婚姻成功的先决条件
One that restricts or modifies another; a qualification.资格:限制或改变其它事件的事件;限定条件conditions Existing circumstances: conditions 存在的环境:例句:Conditions in the office made concentration impossible.办公室的状况根本不可能使人专心
Grammar The dependent clause of a conditional sentence.【语法】 条件从句Logic A proposition on which another proposition depends; the antecedent of a conditional proposition.【逻辑学】 前提:为另外一命题所依赖的命题;先决条件Law 【法律】 A provision making the effect of a legal instrument contingent on the occurrence of an uncertain future event.先行条件:一条只有在将来一个不确定的事件发生后才具有法律效力的条款The event itself.事件本身An unsatisfactory grade given to a student, serving notice that deficiencies can be made up by the completion of additional work.需补考的成绩:学生不及格的成绩,用来提醒学生通过补考还能补上功课的通知单Obsolete Disposition; temperament.【废语】 气质;性格及物动词)con.di.tioned,,con.di.tions To make dependent on a condition or conditions.取决于…的条件To stipulate as a condition.作为条件To render fit for work or use.表示适于工作或使用To accustom (oneself or another) to; adapt:使(本身或别人)习惯于;适应:例句:had to condition herself to long hours of hard work; conditioned the troops to marches at high altitudes.必须习惯长时间辛苦的工作;使部队能适应在高海拔地区行进
To air-condition.调节空气To give the unsatisfactory grade of condition to.给予不及格的成绩Psychology To cause an organism to respond in a specific manner to a conditioned stimulus in the absence of an unconditioned stimulus.【心理学】 条件反射:使某器官对某一特定方式起反映的特性在该方式消失时仍然有效To replace moisture or oils in (hair, for example) by use of a therapeutic product.保养:用药物来促进原先湿度或油份(例如头发中)的代谢
来源:Middle English condicioun 中古英语 condicioun from Old French condicion 源自 古法语 condicion from Latin conditiô conditiôn- 源自 拉丁语 conditiô conditiôn- from condocere [to agree] 源自 condocere [同意] com- [com-] com- [前缀,表.和.] docere [to talk] * see deik- docere [谈话] *参见 deik-