concert是什么意思 concert在线中文翻译



n. 音乐会, 和声, 一致
vt. 协力, 协调
vi. 协力
【计】 美国北卡罗来纳州Internet网
in concert


动词过去式:concerted 过去分词:concerted 现在分词:concerting 第三人称单数:concerts 


名词 concert:

  1. a performance of music by players or singers not involving theatrical staging

动词 concert:

  1. contrive (a plan) by mutual agreement
  2. settle by agreement


  1. It is good to go to a concert for a change.到音乐会去换换环境比较好。
  2. Hordes of fans had thronged on the concert hall.大群的歌迷一窝蜂地涌向音乐厅。
  3. The newspaper gave much publicity to the concert.报纸对这次音乐会进行了充分报道。
  4. The concert concluded with the National Anthem.音乐会最后以演奏国歌结束。
  5. He was put in the ten best singers after the concert.比赛结束,他在10佳歌手中占有一席之地。
  6. How did you enjoy the concert?你喜欢那场音乐会吗?
  7. He refused to concert with his partners.他拒绝和他的伙伴们合作。
  8. The concert will be given on Saturday.音乐会将于星期六举行。


n.(名词)Music A performance given by one or more singers or instrumentalists or both.【音乐】 音乐会:一个或多个歌唱家或演奏家或二者同台演出
Agreement in purpose, feeling, or action.一致:目的、感情或行动的一致Unity achieved by mutual communication of views, ideas, and opinions:和谐:通过互相交流观点、思想和看法而取得一致:例句:acted in concert on the issue.在这个问题上的协调行动
Concerted action:一致的行动:例句:.One feels between them an accumulation of gentleness and strength, a concert of energies.(Vanity Fair).感觉到他们之间有一股温柔与强大的凝聚力,一股活力的和谐.(名利场)
v.(动词)con.cert.ed,,con.certs[k…n-sôrt.]及物动词)To plan or arrange by mutual agreement.通过双方协议来计划或安排To adjust; settle.调整;解决v.intr.(不及物动词)To act together in harmony.协调一致行动
来源:French 法语 from Italian concerto 源自 意大利语 concerto from Old Italian [agreement, harmony] 源自 古意大利语 [一致,协调] possibly from Late Latin concertus [past participle of] concernere [to mingle together] * see concern 可能源自 后期拉丁语 concertus [] concernere的过去分词 [混合] *参见 concern