contour是什么意思 contour在线中文翻译



n. 轮廓
vt. 画轮廓
a. 显示轮廓的
【计】 轮廓
【医】 外形, 轮廓


动词过去式:contoured 过去分词:contoured 现在分词:contouring 第三人称单数:contours 


名词 contour:

  1. a line drawn on a map connecting points of equal height同义词:contour line
  2. any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline)同义词:shape, form, configuration, conformation
  3. a feature (or the order or arrangement of features) of anything having a complex structure

动词 contour:

  1. form the contours of


  1. A mark used to define a shape or represent a contour.轮廓线,外廓线用于定义一形状或描绘一轮廓的线
  2. A contour line.等高线,轮廓线
  3. The contour of that mountain looks like a dragon.那座大山的轮廓看上去像一条龙。
  4. The smooth contour of the sculpture is wonderful.雕塑物平滑的轮廓线简直太美了。


The outline of a figure, body, or mass.轮廓:形体、身体或大块物体的轮廓A line that represents such an outline.See Synonyms at form ,outline 轮廓线:表示这种轮廓的线条参见 form,outlineOften contours A surface, especially of a curving form. 常作 contours 外形:表面,尤指曲线形态A contour line.等高线,轮廓线及物动词)con.toured,, To make or shape the outline of; represent in contour.画轮廓:勾画或塑造…的轮廓;用轮廓线表示To build (a road, for example) to follow the contour of the land.依地形建造:循着地面等高线修筑(如公路等)adj.(形容词)Following the contour lines of uneven terrain to limit erosion of topsoil:沿着地势的:在崎岖地形上沿等高线作业从而限制地表土流失的:例句:contour plowing.沿着地形犁地
Shaped to fit the outline or form of something:使轮廓相符:被做成与某物的轮廓或形状相符的:例句:a contour sheet.一件形状合适的被单
来源:French 法语 alteration influenced by tour [turn] * see tourtour的影响 [转动] *参见 tourof Italian contorno 意大利语 contorno的变化 from contornare [to draw in outline] 源自 contornare [画轮廓线] Latin com- [intensive pref.] * see com- 拉丁语 com- [前缀,表加强词意] *参见 com-Latin torn3re [to round off] from tornus [lathe] from Greek tornos * see ter…- 拉丁语 torn3re [把…修圆磨光] 源自 tornus [车床] 源自 希腊语 tornos *参见 ter…-