cheat是什么意思 cheat在线中文翻译



n. 欺骗, 作弊, 骗子
vt. 欺骗, 逃脱, 骗取
vi. 欺骗, 逃脱, 骗取
【建】 雀麦
cheat sb into belief that


副词:cheatingly 名词:cheater 动词过去式:cheated 过去分词:cheated 现在分词:cheating 第三人称单数:cheats 


cheat, deceive, trick, fool
cheat: 普通用词,指用蒙蔽他人的手段取得所需之物,尤多指在赢利的买卖中欺骗人。
deceive: 最普通用词,指用虚假外表使人信以为真,或蓄意歪曲事实,或造成错误印象使人上当受骗。
trick: 指用阴谋诡计等骗得信任或得到所需之物。
fool: 指把别人当傻瓜,愚弄欺骗别人。


名词 cheat:

  1. weedy annual grass often occurs in grainfields and other cultivated land; seeds sometimes considered poisonous同义词:darnel, tare, bearded darnel, Lolium temulentum
  2. weedy annual native to Europe but widely distributed as a weed especially in wheat同义词:chess, Bromus secalinus
  3. someone who leads you to believe something that is not true同义词:deceiver, cheater, trickster, beguiler, slicker
  4. the act of swindling by some fraudulent scheme同义词:swindle, rig
  5. a deception for profit to yourself同义词:cheating

动词 cheat:

  1. deprive somebody of something by deceit同义词:rip off, chisel
  2. defeat someone in an expectation through trickery or deceit同义词:chouse, shaft, screw, chicane, jockey
  3. engage in deceitful behavior; practice trickery or fraud同义词:chisel
  4. be sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage同义词:cheat on, cuckold, betray, wander


  1. How could you cheat your own children, you skunk!你怎麽能欺骗自己的孩子,你这个坏家伙!
  2. It's my considered opinion that he is a liar and a cheat.我经过仔细考虑,认为他是个说谎的家伙,又是个骗子。
  3. I would rather fail than cheat in the examination.我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。
  4. You can cheat in no circumstances.在任何情况下你都不能欺骗。
  5. He is a shameless cheat.他是个无耻的骗子。
  6. He never cheats to pass examination.他考试从不作弊。
  7. His father was cheated of his land.他的父亲被人骗走了地产。


v.(动词)cheat.ed,,cheats及物动词)To deceive by trickery; swindle:用诡计欺骗;诈骗:例句:cheated customers by overcharging them for purchases.通过收费过高欺骗顾客
To deprive by trickery; defraud:用诡计骗取;诈取:例句:cheated them of their land.骗取他们的土地
To mislead; fool:误导;愚弄:例句:illusions that cheat the eye.欺骗眼睛的幻象
To elude; escape:躲避;逃脱:例句:cheat death.免于一死
v.intr.(不及物动词)To act dishonestly; practice fraud.作弊;行骗To violate rules deliberately, as in a game:作弊,犯规:故意违反规定,如在游戏中:例句:accused of cheating at cards.被指责在玩牌中犯规
Informal To be sexually unfaithful:【非正式用语】 在性关系上不忠:例句:young marrieds who cheat on their spouses.对配偶不忠实的已婚青年们
n.(名词)An act of cheating; a fraud or swindle.欺骗:欺骗行为;骗术或诈术One that cheats; a swindler.骗子:欺骗者;诡计多端的人Law Fraudulent acquisition of another`s property.【法律】 诈欺取财:以诈术获取他人财产Botany An annual European species of brome grass(Bromus secalinus) widely naturalized in temperate regions. 【植物学】 雀麦:一年生的欧洲种类的雀麦草,(雀麦属 黑麦状雀麦), 在气候温和地区被广泛种植
来源:Middle English cheten [to confiscate] 中古英语 cheten [没收] short for acheten acheten的简写 variant of escheten escheten的变体 from eschete [escheat] * see escheat 源自 eschete [转归领土] *参见 escheat