below是什么意思 below在线中文翻译



prep. 在下面
ad. 在下面


below, beneath, under, underneath
below: 指位置低于某物或在某物下方,但不一定在正下方,所指范围较宽。
beneath: 书面用词,指紧挨……之下,其反义词是on。
under: 普通用词,与over相对,指在某物的正下方,含垂直在下的意思。
underneath: 书面口语均用,也常与beneath和under换用,但更含遮蔽的意味。


副词 below:

  1. in or to a place that is lower同义词:at a lower place, to a lower place, beneath
  2. at a later place
  3. (in writing) see below同义词:infra
  4. on a floor below同义词:downstairs, down the stairs, on a lower floor
  5. further down同义词:under


  1. The information below was compiled by our correspondent.以下资料是我们的记者收集整理的。
  2. We looked down from the mountain to the valley below.我们从山上俯瞰下面的山谷。
  3. His income is well below the average.他的收入大大低于平均水平。


adv.(副词)In or to a lower place; beneath.在下面:在或到较低位置;在下面
On or to a lower floor; downstairs.在较低层;在楼下Nautical On or to a lower deck.【航海】 在或向较低的甲板In a later part of a given text:在下文:接在给定的文字部分的后面:例句:figures quoted below.下列引用数字
Farther down, as along a slope or valley.远在下方,如沿一斜面或山谷In or to hell or Hades.在地狱,向阴间:在或向地狱或阴间On earth.在地球上
In a lower rank or class.在下级,下一阶层Below zero in temperature:温度零下:例句:40= below.零下40度
prep.(介词)Underneath; beneath.在…下面;在…下方Lower than, as on a graduated scale.在…以下:在…以下,如刻度尺上标示的Unsuitable to the rank or dignity of:有失身份:对社会阶层或尊严来说不合适:例句:Such petty behavior is below me.如此卑劣的行为有失我的身份
来源:Middle English bilooghe 中古英语 bilooghe bi [by] * see by bi [由] *参见 byloghe [low] * see low loghe [低] *参见 low