CORE是什么意思 CORE在线中文翻译



n. 核心, 果心, 要点
vt. 挖...的核
【计】 内核, 核心网
【医】 核(心); 轴, 中心; 肝虫病(羊); 乳房瘤肿病(牛)
to the core


动词过去式:cored 过去分词:cored 现在分词:coring 第三人称单数:cores 


center, middle, heart, core, midst
center: 指三维空间的中心点,也可比喻抽象事物的中心。
middle: 一般指时间、空间或过程两端间等距的部分。
heart: 指事物最内部或最重要的部分,表地理位置时可与center换用。
core: 指某事物固定的中心部分或最重要的核心部分。比喻意义指某物的精华。
midst: 书面语用词,指在一个群体的深处或在某活动的进程中。


名词 core:

  1. the center of an object
  2. a small group of indispensable persons or things同义词:nucleus, core group
  3. the central part of the Earth
  4. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience同义词:kernel, substance, center, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, marrow, meat, nub, pith, sum, nitty-gritty
  5. a cylindrical sample of soil or rock obtained with a hollow drill
  6. an organization founded by James Leonard Farmer in 1942 to work for racial equality同义词:Congress of Racial Equality
  7. the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work同义词:effect, essence, burden, gist
  8. the chamber of a nuclear reactor containing the fissile material where the reaction takes place
  9. a bar of magnetic material (as soft iron) that passes through a coil and serves to increase the inductance of the coil

动词 core:

  1. remove the core or center from


  1. The core of our appeal is freedom of speech.我们的要求的核心是言论自由。
  2. He ate the plum, and threw the core away.他吃掉了李子,并扔掉了果核。
  3. He is American to the core.他是个地地道道的美国人。


n.(名词)The hard or fibrous central part of certain fruits, such as the apple or pear, containing the seeds.核:某些水果(如苹果或梨)的中心硬的纤维部分,含种子The central or innermost part:中心:中心,核心部分:例句:the hard elastic core of a baseball; a rod with a hollow core.棒球的弹性硬心;空心钓竿
The basic or most important part; the essence:核心:基础或最重要的部分;核心:例句:a small core of dedicated supporters; the core of the problem.See Synonyms at substance 全力拥护者的小核心;问题的关键参见 substance
A set of subjects or courses that make up a required portion of a curriculum.基础课:一系列组成某一在纲要求的部分的科目或课程Electricity A soft iron rod in a coil or transformer that provides a path for and intensifies the magnetic field produced by the windings.【电学】 铁心:包在线圈内或变压器中的柔软铁条,用于提供道路和加强由线圈曲转产生的磁场
Computer Science A memory, especially one consisting of a series of tiny doughnut-shaped masses of magnetic material.Also called core memory 【计算机科学】 磁心存储器:尤指由一系列小当纳圈形的磁性材料组成的存储器也作 core memoryOne of the magnetic doughnut-shaped masses that make up such a memory.Also called magnetic core 磁心:组成这种存储器的当纳圈形磁性材料中的一个也作 magnetic coreThe central portion of Earth below the mantle, beginning at a depth of about 2,900 kilometers (,800 miles) and probably consisting of iron and nickel. It is made up of a liquid outer core and a solid inner core.地核:地球的中心部分,地幔以下,开始于深为2,900公里(,800英里)的地方,大概含有铁和镍。它由一个液体的外核和一个固体的内核组成A mass of dry sand placed within a mold to provide openings or shape to a casting.型芯:铸造模型中为铸件提供出口和形状的干沙块The part of a nuclear reactor where fission occurs.活性区,堆心:核反应堆中发生裂变的地方A cylindrical mass drilled vertically into the earth and removed from it to determine composition or presence of oil or gas.钻心:圆柱形物质,用于垂直地钻入地下然后取出以测定石油或天然气的组成或存在The base, usually of soft or inferior wood, to which veneer woods are glued.心板:通常柔软或劣质的木板的中心板在它上面粘上胶合木片及物动词)cored,,cores To remove the core of:取出…的芯子:例句:core apples.挖去苹果的果心
来源:Middle English 中古英语