coming是什么意思 coming在线中文翻译



n. 来临
a. 就要来的, 接着的
coming in
see sb coming
have it coming


名词 coming:

  1. the act of drawing spatially closer to something同义词:approach, approaching
  2. arrival that has been awaited (especially of something momentous)同义词:advent
  3. the temporal property of becoming nearer in time同义词:approach, approaching
  4. the moment of most intense pleasure in sexual intercourse同义词:orgasm, climax, sexual climax

动词 come:

  1. move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody同义词:come, come up
  2. reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress同义词:arrive, get, come
  3. come to pass; arrive, as in due course同义词:come
  4. reach or enter a state, relation, condition, use, or position同义词:come
  5. to be the product or result同义词:come, follow
  6. be found or available同义词:come
  7. come forth同义词:issue forth, come
  8. be a native of同义词:hail, come
  9. extend or reach同义词:come
  10. exist or occur in a certain point in a series同义词:come
  11. come from; be connected by a relationship of blood, for example同义词:derive, come, descend
  12. cover a certain distance同义词:come
  13. come under, be classified or included同义词:fall, come
  14. happen as a result同义词:come
  15. add up in number or quantity同义词:total, number, add up, come, amount
  16. develop into同义词:come, add up, amount
  17. be received同义词:come, come in
  18. come to one's mind; suggest itself同义词:occur, come
  19. proceed or get along同义词:do, fare, make out, come, get along
  20. experience orgasm同义词:come
  21. have a certain priority同义词:come

形容词 coming:

  1. of the relatively near future同义词:approaching, forthcoming, upcoming
  2. yet to come同义词:future day


  1. The new academic year is coming.新学年就要来了。
  2. The leading cyclist will be coming round that corner any minute now!为首的那个自行车手很快就要从那个转角处绕过来。
  3. The whole clan is coming to stay with them at Christmas.他们那一大帮亲戚要在圣诞节期间来他们这里住。
  4. A sudden shift in the wind warned of the coming storm.风向的突然转变预示着暴风雨即将来临。
  5. The coming of General Blucher at Waterloo turned the day against Napoleon.布鲁克将军到达滑铁卢,使得拿破仑转胜为败。
  6. He had a chilly welcome of our coming.他冷淡地迎接我们的到来。
  7. Her face lit up when she saw he was coming.当她看到他走过来的时候,她的脸亮了起来。
  8. Because of the failure the catastrophe will be coming.因为失败,大祸就要来临了。

adj.(形容词)Approaching; forthcoming; next:接近的;即将到来的;其次的:例句:the coming season; a coming report on arms limitation.下一个季节;限制军备的即将到来的报告
Showing promise of fame or success.前途光明的:表示名望或成功的希望的n.(名词)Arrival; advent:到来;出现:例句:the coming of spring.春天的到来