cache是什么意思 cache在线中文翻译



n. 隐藏所, 隐藏的粮食或物资, 贮藏物, 高速缓冲存储器
vt. 隐藏, 窖藏
【计】 高速缓冲存储器, 高速缓冲
【医】 藏镭器


动词过去式:cached 过去分词:cached 现在分词:caching 第三人称单数:caches 


名词 cache:

  1. a hidden storage space (for money or provisions or weapons)
  2. a secret store of valuables or money同义词:hoard, stash
  3. (computer science) RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage that is continually updated; used to optimize data transfers between system elements with different characteristics同义词:memory cache

动词 cache:

  1. save up as for future use同义词:hoard, stash, lay away, hive up, squirrel away


  1. Finally there is the main memory which relative to the external cache memory is very slow.这样,相对外部高速缓存存储器,主存的速度非常慢。
  2. He job of cache coherency is done partially by the hardware and partially by the operating system.保证高速缓存一致性的工作由硬件和操作系统共同分担。
  3. A hidden fund or supply stored for future use; a cache.积聚,囤积为备将来使用而藏起来的钱或物; 密窖,贮藏处


A hiding place used especially for storing provisions.贮藏处,暗窖:一个隐秘的空间,尤指用于贮存的预备货物A place for concealment and safekeeping, as of valuables.密藏处:用于隐藏和保管贵重品的处所The store of goods or valuables concealed in a hiding place.隐藏:将货物或贵重品隐藏在一隐蔽的处所Computer Science A fast storage buffer in the central processing unit of a computer.Also called In this sense, also called cache memory 【计算机科学】 缓冲存储器:计算机中央处理单元中的快速缓冲存储器也作 在此意义上也可称作 cache及物动词)cached,, To hide or store in a cache.See Synonyms at hide 贮藏:隐藏或存贮在贮藏处参见 hide
来源:French 法语 from cacher [to hide] 源自 cacher [隐藏] from Old French [to press, hide] 源自 古法语 [压制,隐藏] from Vulgar Latin *co3ctic3re [to store, pack together] 源自 俗拉丁语 *co3ctic3re [隐藏,集中起来] frequentative of Latin co3ct3re [to constrain] 拉丁语 co3ct3re的重复 [强迫] from co3ctus [past participle of] côgere [to force] * see cogent 源自 co3ctus [] côgere的过去分词 [迫使] *参见 cogent