court是什么意思 court在线中文翻译



n. 法院, 庭院, 奉承
vt. 献殷勤, 追求, 招致
vi. 求爱
【法】 法院, 法庭, 审判庭
go to court
hold a court
out of court
put oneself out of court
take someone to court
pay court to
court sb's approval


动词过去式:courted 过去分词:courted 现在分词:courting 第三人称单数:courts 


playground, stadium, gymnasium, court
playground: 一般指附属于学校或公园内的活动场地,也可指游乐场或儿童游戏场地。
stadium: 指周围有看台的露天大型运动场。
gymnasium: 可简写为gym,指不受天气影响的室内体育馆、健身房或运动场馆。
court: 通常指周围有围墙的专用球场。


名词 court:

  1. an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business同义词:tribunal, judicature
  2. the sovereign and his advisers who are the governing power of a state同义词:royal court
  3. a specially marked horizontal area within which a game is played
  4. a room in which a lawcourt sits同义词:courtroom
  5. an area wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings同义词:courtyard
  6. the residence of a sovereign or nobleman
  7. the family and retinue of a sovereign or prince同义词:royal court
  8. a hotel for motorists; provides direct access from rooms to parking area同义词:motor hotel, motor inn, motor lodge, tourist court
  9. Australian woman tennis player who won many major championships (born in 1947)同义词:Margaret Court
  10. respectful deference同义词:homage

动词 court:

  1. make amorous advances towards同义词:woo, romance, solicit
  2. seek someone's favor同义词:woo
  3. engage in social activities leading to marriage


  1. The court moves to the country in the summer.夏天王室上下都移居到乡下去。
  2. The young man courted the young lady by bring her flowers every day.那青年通过每天给那女子送花而向她求爱。
  3. The court of King Solomon was noted for its splendor.所罗门国王的宫廷以其华丽著称。
  4. The court found him guilty.法官判他有罪。


n.Abbr. C.,ct.(名词)缩写 C.,ct.
An extent of open ground partially or completely enclosed by walls or buildings; a courtyard.庭院,院子:部分或完全地被墙或建筑物封闭的露天空地;庭院A short street, especially a wide alley walled by buildings on three sides.短街,死巷:短街,尤指三面由建筑物围绕的宽的街道A large open section of a building, often with a glass roof or skylight.天井:建筑物的一片大的开阔区,通常有玻璃顶或阳光A large building, such as a mansion, standing in a courtyard.大宅第,乡间邸宅:大的楼房,如一座宅子,常矗立在院子里
The place of residence of a sovereign or dignitary; a royal mansion or palace.王宫,宫廷:国王或贵族居住的地方;皇家宅第或宫殿The retinue of a sovereign, including the royal family and personal servants, advisers, and ministers.朝廷,朝臣,侍臣:国王的侍从,包括皇室家庭和私人仆人、参谋和部长A sovereign`s governing body, including the council of ministers and state advisers.朝廷,宫廷:国王的管理机制,包括部长委员会和国家参谋A formal meeting or reception presided over by a sovereign.御前会议:由国王主持的正式会议或招待会Law 【法律】 A person or body of persons whose task is to hear and submit a decision on cases at law.法官:以听取案情并根据法律作出决定为任务的法官或一群法官The building, hall, or room in which such cases are heard and determined.法庭,法院:听取案情并做出决定的建筑物、大厅或房间The regular session of a judicial assembly.开庭:司法集会的一次固定开庭A similar authorized tribunal having military or ecclesiastical jurisdiction.审判庭:相似的被授权的法庭,具有军事和宗教司法权Sports An open, level area marked with appropriate lines, upon which a game, such as tennis, handball, or basketball, is played.【体育运动】 球场:水平开阔的地方,划有适当的线,人们在上面打网球、手球或篮球等游戏The body of directors of an organization, especially of a corporation.董事会,理事会:一个组织董事们的全体,尤指公司的理事会A legislative assembly.立法院,立法团体n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:常用来修饰另一个名词:例句:a court jester; court records.宫廷弄臣;法庭记录
To attempt to gain; seek:试图得到;寻求:例句:courting wealth and fame.追求名利
To behave so as to invite or incur:招致,引诱:例句:courts disaster by taking drugs.因吸毒而招致灾祸
To try to gain the love or affections of, especially to seek to marry.求爱,求婚:努力获得…的爱或感情,尤指为了与之结婚To attempt to gain the favor of by attention or flattery:企图获得:通过注意或奉承而试图引起…的好感:例句:a salesperson courting a potential customer.一位正在说服有可能与之成交的顾客的推销员
v.intr.(不及物动词)To pursue a courtship; woo.向…求爱;追求
<习惯用语>pay court to
To flatter with solicitous overtures in an attempt to obtain something or clear away antagonism.讨好,求爱:试图获得某物或消除敌对而用热心的表示来奉承To seek someone`s love; woo.向…求爱;追求习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French cort 源自 古法语 cort from Latin cohors cohort- [courtyard, retinue] * see gher- 源自 拉丁语 cohors cohort- [院子,侍从] *参见 gher-