Beethoven是什么意思 Beethoven在线中文翻译



n. 贝多芬


名词 beethoven:

  1. German composer of instrumental music (especially symphonic and chamber music); continued to compose after he lost his hearing (1770-1827)同义词:van Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven
  2. the music of Beethoven


  1. I've got all the Beethoven symphonies on tape.我有贝多芬交响乐全部的录音带。
  2. Beethoven is regarded as one of the immortals of classical music.贝多芬被认为是不朽的古典音乐大师。
  3. She has a strong affinity for Beethoven.她酷爱贝多芬的乐曲。
  4. She likes Beethoven very much.她很喜欢贝多芬的作品。


NONE(无词性)German composer. The greatest composer of his day, he began to lose his hearing in 80 and was deaf by 89. His music, which formed a transition from classical to romantic composition, includes 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, a violin concerto, 32 piano sonatas, several other sonatas, 2 Masses, and an opera.贝多芬,路德维希·范:(770-827) 德国作曲家,是他那个时代最伟大的作曲家。80年他开始失去听力,到89年完全耷了。他的音乐有了从经典到浪漫作品的转变,包括9个交响乐、5个钢琴协奏曲、一个小提琴协奏曲、32个钢琴奏鸣曲和几个其它奏鸣曲、2部弥撒曲及一部歌剧