certain是什么意思 certain在线中文翻译



a. 确定的, 某一个的, 必然的
【法】 确凿的, 无疑的, 可靠的
be certain of
It is certain that
I am certain that...
I am not certain whether...
to a certain extent
for certain


sure, certain, definite, positive
sure: 侧重主观上对某事确信无疑。
certain: 与sure同义,但语气比sure强,着重指有确切理由或不容置疑的证据所支持的确信。
definite: 指已毫无怀疑的余地。
positive: 语气强烈,指对自己的看法或作的结论的正确性有不可动摇的信念。


形容词 certain:

  1. definite but not specified or identified
  2. having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured同义词:sure
  3. established beyond doubt or question; definitely known
  4. certain to occur; destined or inevitable同义词:sure
  5. established irrevocably同义词:sealed
  6. reliable in operation or effect同义词:sure
  7. exercising or taking care great enough to bring assurance同义词:sure


  1. For certain reasons I will be unable to attend the meeting.因为某种原因,我不能出席这次会议。
  2. I can't say for certain when he will arrive.我说不准他什么时候会来。
  3. It's certain that every effect must have a cause.无疑,每个结果必定有其原因。


adj.(形容词)Definite; fixed:确定的;固定的:例句:set aside a certain sum each week.每周存入一定数额的存款
Sure to come or happen; inevitable:一定会来的,必定发生的;不可避免的:例句:certain success.必然的成功
Established beyond doubt or question; indisputable:无疑的:确定而不容怀疑或疑问的;不容争辩的:例句:What is certain is that every effect must have a cause.每一个结果都有一个原因,这是确定无疑的
Capable of being relied on; dependable:能被依赖的;靠得住的:例句:a quick and certain remedy.快捷而可靠的治疗方法
Having or showing confidence; assured.有信心的,显示信心的;确定的
Not specified or identified but assumed to be known:可想而知的:没有确定或辨别的但假定已知道的:例句:a certain popular teacher; felt that certain breeds did not make good pets.的确是个受欢迎的老师;感觉上有些饲养的方式并没有培育出优良的宠物来
Named but not known or previously mentioned:某位的:有姓名但不被知道或前面未提到的:例句:a certain Ms. Johnson.一位约翰逊女士
Perceptible; noticeable:可觉察的;引人注目的:例句:a certain cozy charm; kept a certain air of mystery about him.一种可感知的令人舒服的魅力;他保持一种引人注目的神秘气息
Not great; calculable:不大的;可计算的:例句:to a certain degree; a certain delay in the schedule.在一定程度上;安排上的一定的延误
pron.(代词)An indefinite but limited number; some:某些,一些:一个不确定但有限的数目;有些:例句:Certain of the products are faulty.有些产品是不合格的
<习惯用语>for certain
Without doubt; definitely.毫无疑问地;肯定地习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French 源自 古法语 from Vulgar Latin *cert3nus 源自 俗拉丁语 *cert3nus from Latin certus [past participle of] cernere [to determine] * see krei- 源自 拉丁语 certus [] cernere的过去分词 [决定] *参见 krei-
<参考词汇><同义词>certain,inescapable,inevitable,sure,unavoidable同义词>The central meaning shared by these adjectives is .impossible to avoid or evade.: 这些形容词共有的一个中心意思为.不可能避免或躲避.: 例句:certain death;必定的死亡;
例句:an inescapable conclusion;不可逃避的结局;
例句:an inevitable result;必然的结果;
例句:sudden but sure regret;突然的但肯定的后悔;
例句:an unavoidable accident. See also Synonyms at sure 不能避免的事故 参见同义词 sure
参考词汇>Althoughcertain appears to be an absolute term, it is frequently qualified by adverbs,as infairly certain or quite certain. In an earlier survey,a majority of the Usage Panel accepted the construction 尽管certain 像一个独立的词, 它也经常被副词的限定,如相当确定非常肯定。 据以前的调查,多数用法专题使用小组成员接受这一结构 例句:Nothing could be more certain. 没有比这更确定的了