generator是什么意思 generator在线中文翻译



n. 产生器, 发电机, 生产者
【计】 发生器
【化】 发电机; 发生器
【医】 发生器, 发电机


名词 generator:

  1. an apparatus that produces a vapor or gas
  2. engine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by electromagnetic induction
  3. someone who originates or causes or initiates something同义词:source, author
  4. an electronic device for producing a signal voltage


  1. The generator shuts off automatically.这台发动机能自动停止运转。
  2. None of us had ever set eyes on a generator before.我们过去谁也没看见过发电机。
  3. We have an auxiliary generator in case of power cuts.我们有一台万一断电时使用的备用发电机。

n.Abbr. gen.(名词)缩写 gen.
One that generates, especially a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.发生器:发生器,尤指把机械能转化为电能的机器An apparatus that generates vapor or gas.产生蒸气或气体的机器A circuit that generates a specified waveform.产生规定波形的电路Mathematics See generatrix 【数学】 参见 generatrixComputer Science A program that produces specific programs from the definition of an operation.【计算机科学】 生成程序,发生器,生成器:从运算定义中产生规定程序的一个程序