command是什么意思 command在线中文翻译



n. 命令, 指挥, 控制, 部队, 司令部
vt. 命令, 指挥, 控制
vi. 命令, 指挥, 控制
【计】 命令; 指令; DOS外部命令:启动新的命令处理器
【经】 指令, 控制, 博得
under the command of
at command
be at sb's command
do sth at sb's command
get command of
take command of


动词过去式:commanded 过去分词:commanded 现在分词:commanding 第三人称单数:commands 


command, order, direction, instruction
command: 较正式用词,强调权威性、全局性和强制性。
order: 普通用词,侧重指具体的命令。
direction: 正式用词,指口头或书面的指示或命令。内容不一定详尽,语气较缓和,不太强调强制性。也可指指导性的说明。
instruction: 书面用词,指不容违反、不容推翻的命令。也多指包含具体说明的指示。
order, bid, command
order: 普通用词,多指上级对下级,主人对仆人以及教师对学生等发出的命令,也指态度专横地命令他人。
bid: 与order同义,但较正式,文学意味强,多指口头直接下的命令。
command: 话意强,指正式下令,强调下令者的权威性,要求必须服从。


名词 command:

  1. an authoritative direction or instruction to do something同义词:bid, bidding, dictation
  2. a military unit or region under the control of a single officer
  3. the power or authority to command
  4. availability for use
  5. a position of highest authority
  6. great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity同义词:control, mastery
  7. (computer science) a line of code written as part of a computer program同义词:instruction, statement, program line

动词 command:

  1. be in command of
  2. make someone do something同义词:require, compel
  3. demand as one's due
  4. look down on同义词:dominate, overlook, overtop
  5. exercise authoritative control or power over同义词:control


  1. The army is under the king's direct command.军队由国王直接统率。
  2. The general commanded his men to attack the city.将军下令部下攻城。
  3. This great man is able to command everyone's respect.这位伟人有资格获得大家的尊敬。


v.(动词)com.mand.ed,,com.mands及物动词)To direct with authority; give orders to.命令:用权力指示;给…命令To have control or authority over; rule:指挥:有控制或指挥权;统治:例句:a general who commands an army.指挥陆军的将军
To have at one`s disposal:由某人处置:例句:a person who commands seven languages.懂得七种语言的人
To deserve and receive as due; exact:应得,值得:适当地应受和接收;强求:例句:The troops` bravery commanded respect.部队的勇敢值得尊敬
To exercise dominating, authoritative influence over:控制,支配:进行控制,有权威的影响于:例句:.He commands any room he enters.(Stephen Schiff).他可以任意支配他所进入的任何房间.(斯蒂芬·希夫)
To dominate by physical position; overlook:俯视:由有形的位置控制;俯视:例句:a mountain commanding the valley below.俯视下面村落的山
v.intr.(不及物动词)To give orders.给出命令To exercise authority or control as or as if one is a commander.命令,指令:作为或好象作为指挥官那样行使权利或控制n.(名词)The act of commanding.指挥的行动An order given with authority.命令:以权利给出的命令Computer Science A signal that initiates an operation defined by an instruction.【计算机科学】 命令,指令:开始一个由指令控制的运算信号
The authority to command:指挥的权力:例句:an admiral in command.在指挥中的海军上将
Possession and exercise of the authority to command:支配,指挥:具有和实施指挥的权力:例句:command of the seas.海上指挥
Ability to control or use; mastery:能力:控制或使用的能力;精通:例句:command of four languages.精通四种语言
Dominance by location; extent of view.控制:定位控制;观察的范围Abbr. cmd.缩写 cmd.The jurisdiction of a commander.指挥员的管辖权A military unit, post, district, or region under the control of one officer.管辖的范围:在一位官员控制下的军事单位、所、区或地带A unit of the U.S. Air Force that is larger than an air force.美国空军部队:大于空中部队的一个美国空军师adj.(形容词)Of, relating to, or constituting a command:指挥的:属于、有关或组成一项指挥的:例句:command headquarters; a command decision.指挥总部;指挥决策
Done or performed in response to a command:执行的:按照指挥去作或实施的:例句:a command performance.执行指挥行动
来源:Middle English commaunden 中古英语 commaunden from Old French comander 源自 古法语 comander from Late Latin command3re 源自 后期拉丁语 command3re com- [intensive pref.] * see com- com- [加强语意的前缀] *参见 com-mand3re [to entrust] * see man- 2mand3re [委托] *参见 man- 2
<参考词汇><同义词>command,order,bid,enjoin,direct,instruct,charge同义词>These verbs mean to issue an instruction that must be obeyed.Bothcommand and order emphasize authority, butcommand often suggests the authority of an official ( 这些动词意指发布必须遵守的指令。Commandorder 强调权威, 但command 有时意指某一官员的权威( 例句:A general commands), whileorder can sometimes imply an autocratic or highhanded quality ( 将军发布命令), 而order 有时可以暗示一个独裁的或高压的性质(
例句:The teacher ordered the child to leave the room). 教员命令儿童离开教室)。
Bid suggests an oral command: Bid 暗示口头的命令 例句:I bid you be seated.Enjoin, direct, and instruct do not connote the authority of command or order, but they all imply compliance.我命令你坐下。Enjoin, direct与 instruct 不包含 commandorder 的权力, 但它们都表示顺从。
Enjoin can apply both to demanding and to prohibiting a course of conduct or action: Enjoin 能用于要求或禁止一系列行动或行为: 例句:Orders to intelligence operatives often enjoin secrecy.对情报间谍的命令常需要保密。
例句:Strikers were enjoined from picketing.罢工者被警戒禁止。
Direct implies the giving of an orderbut less strongly thancommand: Direct 表示给予命令,但弱于command: 例句:The governor directed the attorney general to investigate allegations of police corruption.州长指示总检察长调查警察腐败的辩解之词。
Instruct often suggests a direction to do something in a specific way: Instruct 常暗示按规定的方法指导作某事: 例句:Students were instructed to submit their essays before the end of the term.在这学期结束前,学生被命令提交他们的小品文。
Charge implies the imposition of a duty: Charge 暗示责任的强迫性: 例句:She was charged with the supervision of the proofreaders. 她被迫承担校对员的监督责任