catch是什么意思 catch在线中文翻译



n. 捕捉, 陷阱, 捕捉之物, 抓, 拉手
vt. 捕捉, 赶上, 感染, 听清楚
vi. 抓住, 燃着
【化】 捕集
【医】 扣锁(器械)
catch up
catch up with
catch up on
catch one's breath
catch oneself
catch as catch can
catch at
catch it
catch on
catch sb out


动词过去式:caught 过去分词:caught 现在分词:catching 第三人称单数:catches 形容词:catchable 


arrest, capture, catch, seize, trap
arrest: 指根据法律或命令进行逮捕并予以监禁或拘留。
capture: 指通过武力或计谋等,战胜抵抗而捉住敌人或动物。
catch: 普通用词,指捉住跑动或隐藏中的人或动物,一般指活捉。
seize: 侧重指以突然、有力地动作迅速抓住或捉住。
trap: 多指诱捕。


名词 catch:

  1. a drawback or difficulty that is not readily evident同义词:gimmick
  2. the quantity that was caught同义词:haul
  3. a person regarded as a good matrimonial prospect同义词:match
  4. anything that is caught (especially if it is worth catching)
  5. a break or check in the voice (usually a sign of strong emotion)
  6. a restraint that checks the motion of something同义词:stop
  7. a fastener that fastens or locks a door or window
  8. a cooperative game in which a ball is passed back and forth
  9. the act of catching an object with the hands同义词:grab, snatch, snap
  10. the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal)同义词:apprehension, arrest, collar, pinch, taking into custody

动词 catch:

  1. discover or come upon accidentally, suddenly, or unexpectedly; catch somebody doing something or in a certain state
  2. perceive with the senses quickly, suddenly, or momentarily同义词:pick up
  3. reach with a blow or hit in a particular spot同义词:get
  4. take hold of so as to seize or restrain or stop the motion of同义词:grab, take hold of
  5. succeed in catching or seizing, especially after a chase同义词:get, capture
  6. to hook or entangle同义词:hitch
  7. attract and fix同义词:arrest, get
  8. capture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping同义词:capture
  9. reach in time
  10. get or regain something necessary, usually quickly or briefly
  11. catch up with and possibly overtake同义词:overtake, catch up with
  12. be struck or affected by
  13. check oneself during an action
  14. hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers同义词:take in, overhear
  15. see or watch同义词:watch, view, see, take in
  16. cause to become accidentally or suddenly caught, ensnared, or entangled
  17. detect a blunder or misstep同义词:trip up
  18. grasp with the mind or develop an understanding of同义词:get
  19. contract
  20. start burning
  21. perceive by hearing同义词:get
  22. suffer from the receipt of同义词:get
  23. attract; cause to be enamored同义词:capture, enamour, trance, becharm, enamor, captivate, beguile, charm, fascinate, bewitch, entrance, enchant
  24. apprehend and reproduce accurately同义词:get
  25. take in and retain
  26. spread or be communicated
  27. be the catcher
  28. become aware of
  29. delay or hold up; prevent from proceeding on schedule or as planned


  1. I don't catch your meaning.我不明白你的意思
  2. Her dress caught on a nail.她的衣服让钉子给钩住了。
  3. We're just in time to catch the train.我们正好赶上了火车。
  4. It's noisy and I can't catch a word.太吵了,我一句话也没有听清。
  5. That's a nice catch.那球接得好。


v.(动词)caught[kôt],及物动词)To capture or seize, especially after a chase.捕捉,拿获:捕捉或抓住,特别是经过追捕以后To take by or as if by trapping or snaring.诱捕:通过或好象通过圈套或罗网逮着
To discover or come upon suddenly, unexpectedly, or accidentally:撞见:突然地、出乎意料地或偶然地发现或碰见:例句:He was caught in the act of stealing.他在行窃时被当场抓到
To become cognizant or aware of suddenly:突然间知道或意识到:例句:caught her gazing out the window.突然意识到她正在注视窗外
To take hold of, especially forcibly or suddenly; grasp:用力抓住,握住:抓住,特别是有力地或突然地;握住:例句:caught me by the arm; caught the reins.抓住我的胳膊;抓住缰绳
To grab so as to stop the motion of:抓住使停止:抓握以便阻止某物的运动:例句:catch a ball.接住球
To overtake:赶上,超前:例句:The green car caught me on the straightaway.那辆绿卡车在直路上超过了我
To reach just in time; take:及时到达;赶得上:例句:caught the bus to town; catch a wave.赶上了去城里的汽车;赶上了波浪
To hold, as by snagging or entangling.绊住,钩住:像被缠住或揪住般抓住To cause to become suddenly or accidentally hooked, entangled, or fastened:意外钩住,意外绊住:使得突然地或偶然地被钩住、缠住或扣住:例句:caught my hem on the stair.我的衣襟被钩在楼梯上
To hold up; delay:堵塞;延误:例句:was caught in traffic for an hour.交通堵塞耽误了一小时
To hit; strike:击;打:例句:a punch that caught me in the stomach.打在我肚子上的一拳
To check (oneself) during an action:行动停止,中止动作:某项行为过程中阻止(自己):例句:I caught myself before replying.在答复前我顿了一下
To become subject to or to contract, as by exposure to a pathogen:罹患,感染:因暴露于病原体中而变得易患…或易感染…:例句:catch a cold.伤风
To become affected by or infused with:被…影响或充满…:例句:caught the joyous mood of the festival.被节日的欢乐气氛所感染
To suffer from the receipt of (criticism, for example):遭受到(如批评):例句:caught hell for being late.因为迟到而遭到责骂
To take or get suddenly, momentarily, or quickly:突然得到,迅速得到:突然地、片刻地或快速地得到或获取:例句:We caught a glimpse of the monarch. I caught a hint of sarcasm in your response.我们只瞥了国王一眼。从你的反应中我感到了一些讽刺的意味
To grasp mentally; apprehend:在精神上把握;理解:例句:I don`t catch your meaning.我不明白你的意思
To apprehend and reproduce accurately by or as if by artistic means:描绘,再现:通过或似乎通过艺术的方式领会并准确地理解和复制:例句:an impressionist who caught the effects of wind and water in his paintings.一位在他的画作中表达了风和水的效果的印象派画家
To attract and fix; arrest:吸引并使其固定;捕获:例句:couldn`t catch their attention; caught the teacher`s eye.无法吸引他们的注意;引起了老师的注意
To charm; captivate.迷惑;迷住
Informal To go to see (a performance, for example):【非正式用语】 看表演:前往观看(如演出):例句:caught the midnight show.去看午夜演出
To get (something required), usually quickly or for a brief period:取得:得到(需要的东西),通常是迅速地或只为一个短时期:例句:catch some sleep.打个盹
v.intr.(不及物动词)To become held, entangled, or fastened:使抓紧、卷入或系紧:例句:My coat caught in the car door.我的衣服被车门夹住了
To act or move so as to hold or grab someone or something:抢取,抓取:为抓住或抱住某人或某物而作的行为或移动:例句:tried to catch at the life preserver.试图抓住救生用具
To be communicable or infectious; spread.传染,传播:成为可传播的或可传染的;传播To ignite:燃着:例句:The fire caught.着火了
Baseball To act as catcher.【棒球】 当棒球捕手n.(名词)The act of catching; a taking and holding.接,抓:接的动作;拿或握Something that catches, especially a device for fastening or for checking motion.门闩,钩子:可钩住的物体,特别是用于拴紧东西或控制运动状态的装置
Something caught:捕获物:例句:The mistake you found was a good catch.你发现的错误是一个大发现
Informal One, such as a person or thing, that is worth catching.【非正式用语】 值得猎取的人或物Sports 【体育运动】 The grabbing and holding of a thrown, kicked, or batted ball before it hits the ground.接球:在一个被掷出、踢出或拍打的球落地前抓握住它的动作A game of throwing and catching a ball.投接球的游戏A quantity that is caught:捕获量:例句:The catch amounted to 50 fish.捕获的鱼达到50条
A choking or stoppage of the breath or voice.哽噎:呼吸或声音的哽塞或阻塞A stop or break in the operation of a mechanism.运作中断:停止或中断机械的运行Informal A tricky or previously unsuspected condition or drawback:【非正式用语】 陷阱,欺诈:蹊跷的或先前无嫌疑的条件或困难:例句:It sounds like a good offer, but there may be a catch.这听起来是个好的建议,但其中可能有诈
A snatch; a fragment.片段;部分Music A canonical, often rhythmically intricate composition for three or more voices, popular especially in the 7th and 8th centuries.【音乐】 轮唱:一种规范的,经常是由三种或三种以上声音构成的有韵律的复杂曲目,在7和8世纪尤其流行
<常用词组>catch on
To understand; perceive.理解;察觉To become popular:变得流行:例句:Skateboarding caught on quickly.滑板运动很快就流行起来
catch out
To detect (another) in the act or process of wrongdoing.侦测错误:侦测(另一人)正在犯错的行为或过程catch up
To snatch:抢夺:例句:The mugger caught the wallet up and fled.匪徒抢了钱夹并逃走了
To detect (another) in a mistake or wrongdoing:指出错误,指出差错:指出(另一人)错误或差错:例句:Auditors caught up with the embezzler.查帐员查出了那个侵占公款者
To come up from behind; overtake.超过:从后面赶上来;超过To become involved with, often unwillingly:牵涉,牵连:被卷入,经常是不情愿地:例句:was caught up in the scandal.涉及丑闻
To captivate; enthrall:着迷;吸引住:例句:I was caught up in the mood of the evening.我沉醉在夜晚的情调中
To bring up to date; brief:简要介绍;简述:例句:Let me catch you up on all the gossip.让我把所有的流言蜚语简要地说给你
To bring an activity nearer to completion:使接近:将一项工作引向接近完成:例句:I must catch up on my correspondence.我必须尽快写完我的回信
常用词组><习惯用语>catch fire
To ignite.燃着To become very enthusiastic.变得十分热情To become the subject of great interest and widespread enthusiasm:成为狂热的对象:成为巨大的兴趣和普遍的热情的对象:例句:an idea that caught fire all over the country.一个引起举国狂热的想法
catch it【非正式用语】
To receive a punishment or scolding.接受惩罚或责备catch (one`s) breath
To rest so as to be able to continue an activity.喘口气,休息一下:为继续从事项活动而休息习惯用语>来源:Middle English cacchen 中古英语 cacchen from Old North French cachier [to chase] 源自 古法国北方方言 cachier [追逐] from Latin capt3re [frequentative of] capere [to seize] * see kap- 源自 拉丁语 capt3re [] capere的重复动词 [抓住] *参见 kap-
adj.(形容词)<参考词汇><同义词>catch,enmesh,ensnare,entangle,entrap,snare,tangle,trap同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to take in and hold as if by using bait or a lure.: 这些动词所共有的中心意义是.象使用鱼饵一样欺骗并捕获.: 例句:caught in her own lies;被她自己的谎言所蒙蔽;
例句:enmeshed in the neighbors` dispute;陷入邻居间的争端;
例句:ensnaring an unsuspecting dupe with fast talk;用迅速的谈话纠缠一个轻信的受骗人;
例句:became entangled in his own contradictions;作茧自缚;
例句:entrapped by a skillful interviewer into making a damaging statement;为狡猾的提问人所诱导而发表的不利言论;
例句:snared by false hopes;被虚假的希望所迷惑;
例句:tangled by his own duplicity;为他自己的骗局所困挠;
例句:trapped into making an incriminating admission. 受算计而做了有罪的许可