cousin是什么意思 cousin在线中文翻译



n. 堂兄弟姊妹, 表兄弟姊妹
【法】 同辈表亲或堂亲


形容词:cousinly 名词:cousinhood 


名词 cousin:

  1. the child of your aunt or uncle同义词:first cousin, cousin-german, full cousin


  1. I hear from my cousin every two weeks.我每两星期就会收到我表哥的来信。
  2. This Scottish plant was a gift from my cousin.这棵苏格兰植物是我的一个表亲给我的礼物。
  3. My cousin is an orphan; her parents died when she was young.我的表姐是孤儿,她的父母在她小时候就去世了。
  4. She can only marry her cousin with a special dispensation.她需要得到特准才能嫁给她的表亲。
  5. Later they may muddle up your name with those of your cousin以后他们可能会把你的名字跟你堂兄弟们的名字相混淆。
  6. "Well, do exactly what the doctor says. A cousin of mine ended up losing the sight of an eye over an infection like that." "Thanks very much! You are a proper Job's comforter, aren't you?""呃,你要严格地按照医生说的办啦。我的一个堂兄就是因为那样的感染,最后一只眼睛都瞎了。""太感谢你了!你真是个安慰别人却反而增加别人痛苦的人啊!"
  7. He is a distant cousin of mine.他是我的一位远房表亲。

n.(名词)A child of one`s aunt or uncle.Also called first cousin 堂兄弟(或姐妹),表兄弟(或姐妹):姑母或姨妈的孩子,叔伯或舅舅的孩子也作 first cousinA relative descended from a common ancestor, such as a grandparent, by two or more steps in a diverging line.远亲,远房亲戚:具有同一长辈如(祖父或祖母)的亲戚,有家庭分支上与这个长辈相隔两辈或多辈A relative by blood or marriage; a kinsman or kinswoman.亲戚:因血缘关系或婚姻关系而成的亲戚;男亲戚或女亲戚A member of a kindred group or country:亲属,同胞:兄弟群体或国家的成员:例句:our Canadian cousins.我们加拿大的亲属
Used as a form of address by a sovereign in addressing another sovereign or a high-ranking member of the nobility.卿:国王对高级贵族或别国君主的称呼
来源:Middle English cosin [a relative] 中古英语 cosin [亲戚] from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin nsôbronus [cousin] 源自 拉丁语 nsôbronus [表兄] com- [com-] com- [相同的] bronus [cousin on the mother`s side] * see swesor- bronus [母亲那边的表亲] *参见 swesor-