complete是什么意思 complete在线中文翻译



a. 完全的, 十足的, 完成的
vt. 完成, 完工, 使圆满
【机】 完全, 全部; 完成, 做好


形容词:completive 形容词比较级:completer 最高级:completest 名词:completeness 副词:completely 动词过去式:completed 过去分词:completed 现在分词:completing 第三人称单数:completes 


complete, finish, end, close, conclude, terminate, accomplish
complete: 侧重指完成预定的任务或使某事完善,补足缺少的部分等。
finish: 与complete基本同义,着重圆满地结束或完成已着手的事。
end: 最普通用词,着重事情的完成。也指某种活动因达到目的而自然结束或由于某种原因而突然中止。
close: 普通用词,着重行为的终止或结束,不强调其目的。
conclude: 正式用词,多指以某事或活动达到预期目的而告终。
terminate: 强调有一个空间和时间的限度,届时必须终止。书面语用词。
accomplish: 正式用词,强调一个过程的完成;也可指依靠努力达到一定目的,或取得一定的结果。


动词 complete:

  1. come or bring to a finish or an end同义词:finish
  2. bring to a whole, with all the necessary parts or elements
  3. complete or carry out同义词:dispatch, discharge
  4. complete a pass同义词:nail
  5. write all the required information onto a form同义词:fill out, fill in, make out

形容词 complete:

  1. having every necessary or normal part or component or step
  2. perfect and complete in every respect; having all necessary qualities同义词:consummate
  3. highly skilled同义词:accomplished
  4. without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers同义词:arrant, consummate, double-dyed, everlasting, gross, perfect, pure, sodding, stark, staring, thoroughgoing, utter, unadulterated
  5. having come or been brought to a conclusion同义词:concluded, ended, over, all over, terminated


  1. He is a complete scholar.他是个无懈可击的学者。
  2. When will the work be complete?这项工作什么时候完成?
  3. I will complete this task soon.我很快就要完成这项任务了。


adj.(形容词),com.plet.est 缩写 comp.,cplHaving all necessary or normal parts, components, or steps; entire:完全的:具有所有必要的或常规的部分、元件或步骤;全部的:例句:a complete meal.完整的一顿饭
Botany Having all principal parts, namely, the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil or pistils. Used of a flower.【植物学】 完整的花的:具有全部基本器官的,即:花萼、花瓣、雄蕊和雌蕊。用于花卉Having come to an end; concluded.达到结尾的;完成的Absolute; total:彻底的;全部的:例句:.In Cairo I have seen buildings which were falling down as they were being put up, buildings whose incompletion was complete.(William H. Gass).在开罗,我曾见到过建造中就倒塌的楼房,以及全部未完成的建筑.(威廉H.加斯)
Skilled; accomplished:熟练的;有才艺的:例句:a complete musician.技术高超的音乐家
Thorough; consummate:彻底的;完全的:例句:a complete coward.十足的懦夫及物动词)com.plet.ed,,com.pletes To bring to a finish or an end:完成或结束:例句:She has completed her studies.她已经完成了学业
To make whole, with all necessary elements or parts:使齐全,使完整:使完整,具有所有必需的元素和要件:例句:A second child would complete their family.第二个孩子使他们的家更加完美了
来源:Middle English complet 中古英语 complet from Latin complôtus [past participle of] complôre [to fill out] 源自 拉丁语 complôtus [] complôre的过去分词 [填写] com- [intensive pref.] * see com- com- [前缀,表加强词义] *参见 com-plôre [to fill] * see pel…- plôre [装] *参见 pel…-
adj.(形容词)<参考词汇><同义词>complete,close,end,finish,conclude,terminate同义词>These verbs mean to bring or to come to a natural or proper stopping point.这些动词都是指达到一个自然或适当的终点。 Complete suggests the final stage in bringing an undertaking to fruition: Complete 暗指取得成功的最后一步: 例句:.Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime. (Reinhold Niebuhr). .我们这辈子连一件有意义的事也没完成. (莱因霍尔德·尼泊赫)。
Close applies to the ending of something ongoing or continuing: Close 指正在进行的事件接近终点: 例句:The orchestra closed the concert with an encore.交响乐团在再来一次的欢呼声中结束了音乐会。
例句:If there is a further falloff in ticket sales, the play will close.如果门票销售进一步下跌,这个剧目就会停演。
End emphasizes finality: End 强调结果: 例句:We ended the meal with fruit and cheese.我们最后吃的是水果和奶酪。
例句:.Where laws end, tyranny begins. (William Pitt). .哪里没有法制,暴政就从哪里开始. (威廉姆·皮特)。
Finish is sometimes interchangeable withcomplete: Finish 有时可与complete互换: 例句:.Give us the tools, and we will finish the job. (Winston S. Churchill).Often, though, it suggests the addition of final details to what has already essentially been completed: .给我们工具,我们就会干完这些工作. (温斯顿·S·丘吉尔)。不过,它又常暗示着必需完成的另外一些细节:
例句:I finished the pillowcase with a border of lace.我给枕套加了一个宽花边。
Conclude adds tocomplete and close a sense of formality: Conclude 较completeclose 更有一种正式味道: 例句:Government representatives concluded tariff negotiations.政府代表们结束了关税谈判。
例句:The article concluded with a restatement of the major points presented.这篇文章结尾再次重申了它的主旨。
Terminate more specifically suggests reaching an established limit in time or space: Terminate 更多地专指达到一个在时间或空间上预定的限度: 例句:The mayor terminated the press conference with a few words of thanks.市长在新闻发布会结束时再次说了些感谢的话。
例句:The family lives on a dead-end street that terminates at a fence. 这家住在这条街围着篱笆的尽头。
参考词汇>Complete is sometimes held to be an absolute term likeperfect or chief, which is not subject to comparison. Nonetheless, it can be qualified asmore or less, for example. A majority of the Usage Panel accepts the example Complete 有时具有绝对的意味, 就象非比较形容词perfectchief 。 然而,它可以用moreless 来修饰。 绝大多数用法专题使用小组成员接受下面的句子: 例句:His book is the most complete treatment of the subject. See Usage Note at perfect 他的书里对这个问题作了最详尽的论述 参见 perfect