belly是什么意思 belly在线中文翻译



n. 腹部, 食欲
vt. 使鼓起
vi. 鼓起, 匍匐前进
【医】 腹


名词复数:bellies 动词过去式:bellied 过去分词:bellied 现在分词:bellying 第三人称单数:bellies 


名词 belly:

  1. the region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis同义词:abdomen, venter, stomach
  2. a protruding abdomen同义词:paunch
  3. a part that bulges deeply
  4. the hollow inside of something
  5. the underpart of the body of certain vertebrates such as snakes or fish

动词 belly:

  1. swell out or bulge out同义词:belly out


  1. A hungry belly has no ears.人肚子饿了就听不进道理。
  2. My belly is empty.我肚子饿了。

n.(名词)【复数】 bel.lies See abdomen 参见 abdomen The underside of the body of certain vertebrates, such as snakes and fish.腹部:某些脊椎动物身体的下部,如蛇和鱼Informal 【非正式用语】 The stomach.胃An appetite for food.胃口The womb; the uterus.孕育处;子宫
A part that bulges or protrudes:膨胀部分,凸起部分:例句:the belly of a sail.帆的鼓起部分
Anatomy The bulging, central part of a muscle.【解剖学】 (肌)腹:肌肉的中央凸起部分A deep, hollow interior:深且中空的内部:例句:the belly of a ship.轮船内部不及物动词和及物动词)bel.lied,,bel.lies To bulge or cause to bulge.See Synonyms at bulge 膨胀,使膨胀参见 bulge
来源:Middle English beli 中古英语 beli from Old English belg [bag] * see bhelgh- 源自 古英语 belg [袋] *参见 bhelgh-