fingerprint是什么意思 fingerprint在线中文翻译



n. 指纹
vt. 采指纹
【医】 指印, 指纹


动词过去式:fingerprinted 过去分词:fingerprinted 现在分词:fingerprinting 第三人称单数:fingerprints 


名词 fingerprint:

  1. biometric identification from a print made by an impression of the ridges in the skin of a finger; often used as evidence in criminal investigations
  2. a generic term for any identifying characteristic
  3. a smudge made by a (dirty) finger同义词:fingermark

动词 fingerprint:

  1. take an impression of a person's fingerprints


  1. The author's fingerprint is quite obvious in all of his works.作者的特色在他所有的作品中都很明显。
  2. Finding his fingerprints on the murder weapon signed his death warrant.找到了他留在杀人凶器上的指纹印,那意味着他末日来临了。
  3. The police have only one fingerprint to hang onto.警察惟一能凭借的就是一个指印。
  4. Her fingerprints on the gun were conclusive proof of her guilt.她在枪上留下的指纹就是她犯罪的确凿证据。


n.(名词)An impression on a surface of the curves formed by the ridges on a fingertip, especially such an impression made in ink and used as a means of identification.指纹印,指纹:指尖隆起部分形成的曲线表面的印记,特别是用墨水取下的印并用作鉴别的形式A distinctive or identifying mark or characteristic:特点:独特的或用于鉴定的标志或特征:例句:.the invisible fingerprint that`s used on labels and packaging to sort out genuine products from counterfeits.(Gene G. Marcial).这个隐形的标印印在标签或包装上用来把真品同伪造品区分开来.(吉恩G.马西亚尔)及物动词)fin.ger.print.ed,,fin.ger.prints To take the fingerprints of.取下…的指纹To identify by means of a distinctive mark or characteristic.指纹鉴定:以特殊的标记或特征来鉴别