bonding是什么意思 bonding在线中文翻译



n. 结合, 屏蔽接地, 搭接
【计】 压焊
【化】 粘合


名词 bonding:

  1. fastening firmly together同义词:soldering
  2. a close personal relationship that forms between people (as between husband and wife or parent and child)
  3. (dentistry) a technique for repairing a tooth; resinous material is applied to the surface of the tooth where it adheres to the tooth's enamel

动词 bond:

  1. stick to firmly同义词:adhere, hold fast, bond, bind, stick, stick to
  2. create social or emotional ties同义词:bind, tie, attach, bond
  3. issue bonds on同义词:bond
  4. bring together in a common cause or emotion同义词:bond, bring together, draw together


  1. A unifying bond, especially a marriage bond.结合一种联结的纽带,尤指婚姻纽带
  2. An organic compound containing many double bonds.多烯一种包含许多双键的有机化合物
  3. An organization of people united by a common fraternal bond or social aim.兄弟会由共同的兄弟情谊或社会目的而结合起来的民间组织
  4. Tending to attract electrons to form a chemical bond.负电极的有吸引电子以形成化学键的倾向的

The formation of close, specialized human relationships, such as those that link spouse with spouse or friend with friend:亲密关系的形成:形成亲近的特别的人际关系,如配偶之间或朋友之间:例句:.He says he has rediscovered the comforts of male bonding in a Washington men`s group.(Marilyn Chase).他说在华盛顿的男人群体中他重新发现了男性亲密关系带来的慰藉.(玛丽琳·蔡斯)
The attachment process occurring between a parent and offspring that usually begins at the time of birth, is the basis for further emotional affiliation, and influences the child`s physical and psychological development.代际联系:父母与后代之间亲密关系的形成过程,常常在孩子出生时就开始,是更深的感情联系的基础,影响着孩子的生理和心理发育Dentistry A technique for the restoration, repair, or cosmetic improvement of a tooth that involves the application of a high-impact resinous material to the tooth surface, where it adheres to the existing enamel.【牙科学】 黏结:一种牙科技术,用以恢复、修补或整形牙齿,需要将一种强力的类树脂物质黏结到牙齿表面让它与尚存的珐琅质连结在一起