berry是什么意思 berry在线中文翻译



n. 浆果
vi. 采集浆果
【医】 浆果


名词复数:berries 动词过去式:berried 过去分词:berried 现在分词:berrying 第三人称单数:berries 


名词 berry:

  1. any of numerous small and pulpy edible fruits; used as desserts or in making jams and jellies and preserves
  2. a small fruit having any of various structures, e.g., simple (grape or blueberry) or aggregate (blackberry or raspberry)
  3. United States rock singer (born in 1931)同义词:Chuck Berry, Charles Edward Berry

动词 berry:

  1. pick or gather berries


  1. The dried, nearly ripe berries of this plant used as a spice, especially in baking.多香果粉这种植物将熟的浆果脱水后可用作香料,尤其在烘烤食品时
  2. A food prepared by Native Americans from lean, dried strips of meat pounded into paste, mixed with fat and berries, and pressed into small cakes.肉糜压缩饼一种北美印第安人用干瘦肉条捣碎并拌上油脂和浆果然后压制成小饼的食品
  3. How quickly suntan disappears! You wouldn't think they were brown as berries only a month ago.他们晒黑的皮肤这么快就变白了。你真难想像一个月前他们晒得又红又黑,像熟浆果一样。
  4. Tomorrow we'll go to pick berries.明天我们去采浆果。


n.(名词)【复数】 ber.ries
Botany An indehiscent fruit derived from a single ovary and having the whole wall fleshy, such as the grape or tomato.【植物学】 浆果:一种从单子房生出的果壁为肉质的闭果,如葡萄或西红柿A small, juicy, fleshy fruit, such as a blackberry or raspberry, regardless of its botanical structure.浆果类:无论其植物结构如何的小型、多汁的肉质水果,如黑莓、木莓The small, dark egg of certain crustaceans or fishes.动物卵,鱼卵:某种甲壳纲动物或鱼的小且暗色的卵v.intr.(不及物动词)ber.ried,,ber.ries To hunt for or gather berries:寻找浆果,采摘浆果:例句:went berrying in July.七月去采浆果
To bear or produce berries.结浆果,产生浆果
来源:Middle English berye 中古英语 berye from Old English berie * see bh3- 源自 古英语 berie *参见 bh3-