biscuit是什么意思 biscuit在线中文翻译



n. 饼干
【化】 素坯; 饼干
【医】 瓷饼, 瓷面(牙), 饼干
to take the biscuit




名词 biscuit:

  1. small round bread leavened with baking-powder or soda
  2. any of various small flat sweet cakes (`biscuit' is the British term)同义词:cookie, cooky


  1. I caught her with her fingers in the biscuit tin.我看见她手指还在饼乾盒里呢。
  2. The manufacturers had to pay more money than they had anticipated, for they bought the biscuit from the student for$4800.饼干公司不得不付出比他们预计的还要多得多的钱,因为他们花了4800美元从那位大学生那里买下了那块饼干。
  3. A thin, crisp wafer or biscuit, usually made of unsweetened dough.薄脆饼干一种通常由不含糖的生面团做成的薄脆饼干
  4. He had some biscuits before the dinner.晚饭前,他吃了一些饼干。


n.(名词)【复数】 bis.cuits A small cake of shortened bread leavened with baking powder or soda.饼干:由烘烤剂或苏打发酵制成的松脆的小块点心Chiefly British 【多用于英国】 A thin, crisp cracker.薄而脆的饼干A cookie.小点心Color A pale brown.【色彩】 浅褐色pl. biscuit Clay that has been fired once but not glazed.Also called In this sense, also called bisque 2【复数】 biscuit 烧过两次但未上釉的粘土也作 在此意义上也可称作 bisque2
来源:Middle English bisquit 中古英语 bisquit from Old French biscuit 源自 古法语 biscuit from Medieval Latin bis coctus 源自 中世纪拉丁语 bis coctus Latin bis [twice] * see dwo- 拉丁语 bis [两次] *参见 dwo- Latin coctus [past participle of] coquere [to cook] * see pek w- 拉丁语 coctus [] coquere的过去分词 [做饭] *参见 pek w-