bible是什么意思 bible在线中文翻译



n. 圣经


名词 bible:

  1. the sacred writings of the Christian religions同义词:Christian Bible, Book, Good Book, Holy Scripture, Holy Writ, Scripture, Word of God, Word
  2. a book regarded as authoritative in its field


  1. You will find the text somewhere in the Bible.你会在圣经里找到这段文章。
  2. You can find this sentence in the Holy Bible.你可以在圣经上找到这句话。
  3. According to the Bible, we can expect to live for three score years and ten.根据圣经的说法,我们可以活到七十岁。
  4. You can find this psalm in the Bible.你可以在圣经上找到这篇赞美诗。
  5. Anthems are often with words taken from the Bible.圣歌的歌词多取自于《圣经》。
  6. It's no use citing the Bible to somebody who doesn't believe in God.对不信上帝的人引用圣经的话是没用的。
  7. He quotes the Bible to support his beliefs.他引用《圣经》来支持他的信仰。
  8. He reads the Bible everyday.他每天读圣经。


Abbr. B.,Bib.The sacred book of Christianity, a collection of ancient writings including the books of both the Old Testament and the New Testament.缩写 B.,Bib.圣经:基督教的圣经,一本古代作品集,包括《旧约全书》和《新约全书》Abbr. B.,Bib.The Hebrew Scriptures, the sacred book of Judaism.缩写 B.,Bib.犹太教《圣经》:希伯来的圣经,一本犹太教的圣书A particular copy of a Bible:《圣经》的版本:圣经的一个特殊本:例句:the old family Bible.古老家庭圣经
A book or collection of writings constituting the sacred text of a religion.由圣经文组成的书或作品集Often bible A book considered authoritative in its field: 常作 bible 权威书籍:被认为是某一领域里具有权威性的书:例句:the bible of French cooking.法式烹饪的权威著作
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French 源自 古法语 from Late Latin biblia 源自 后期拉丁语 biblia from Greek [pl. of] biblion [book] [diminutive of] biblos [papyrus, book] 源自 希腊语 [] biblion的复数 [书] [] biblos的小后缀 [文稿,书] from Bublos [Byblos] 源自 Bublos [比布鲁斯]