artist是什么意思 artist在线中文翻译



n. 艺术家, 画家


名词 artist:

  1. a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination同义词:creative person


  1. The vital spark in him makes him an artist.他的生气勃勃的活力使他成为一个艺术家。
  2. The artist showed me his canvases.画家给我看了他的油画。
  3. She is a consummate artist.她是个技艺高超的艺术家。
  4. He is a notable artist.他是一位著名的艺术家。
  5. He is an artist of great name.他是个大名鼎鼎的艺术家。
  6. His dream of becoming an artist has been fulfilled.他成为一个艺术家的梦想实现了。

n.Abbr. art.(名词)缩写 art.One, such as a painter or sculptor, who is able by virtue of imagination and talent to create works of aesthetic value, especially in the fine arts.艺术家:能够通过想象和天赋创造出有美学价值艺术品的人,如画家或雕塑家,尤指(表现)在好的艺术作品中A person whose work shows exceptional creative ability or skill:高手,能手:一个工作展示超常创造力或技巧的人:例句:You are an artist in the kitchen.你是一位烹饪大师
One, such as an actor or a singer, especially one who works in the performing arts.表演艺术家:尤指致力于表演艺术的人,如演员或歌唱家One who is adept at an activity, especially one involving trickery or deceit:骗子:擅长某项活动的人,尤指与诡计或欺诈有关联的:例句:a con artist.骗子
来源:French artiste 法语 artiste from Old French [lettered person] 源自 古法语 [有学问的人] from Medieval Latin artista 源自 中世纪拉丁语 artista from Latin ars art- * see ar- 源自 拉丁语 ars art- *参见 ar-