bird是什么意思 bird在线中文翻译



n. 鸟, 羽毛球
vi. 打鸟
to give sb the bird


名词:birding 动词过去式:birded 过去分词:birded 现在分词:birding 第三人称单数:birds 


名词 bird:

  1. warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings
  2. the flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food同义词:fowl
  3. informal terms for a (young) woman同义词:dame, doll, wench, skirt, chick
  4. a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt同义词:boo, hoot, Bronx cheer, hiss, raspberry, razzing, razz, snort
  5. badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers同义词:shuttlecock, birdie, shuttle

动词 bird:

  1. watch and study birds in their natural habitat同义词:birdwatch


  1. The crow is a bird of ill omen.乌鸦是不祥的预兆。
  2. I woke up and was greeted by bird song.我一觉醒来,鸟鸣之声不绝于耳。
  3. The thrush is a kind of small singing bird.画眉是一种小鸣禽。
  4. That bird tried to peck me.那只鸟想啄我。
  5. The bird is building a nest of straw and twigs.这只鸟在用稻草和小树枝筑巢。
  6. The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。(捷足先登。)


Any of the class Aves of warm-blooded, egg-laying, feathered vertebrates with forelimbs modified to form wings.鸟,禽:一种鸟纲温血、卵生、有羽毛的脊椎动物,前肢演变形成翅膀Such an animal hunted as game.捕猎的鸟:为捕猎游戏的该种动物Such an animal, especially a chicken or turkey, used as food:家禽:家禽动物,尤指鸡或火鸡,用作食物:例句:put the bird in the oven.把鸡放到烤箱里
See clay pigeon 参见 clay pigeonSports See shuttlecock 【体育运动】 参见 shuttlecockSlang A rocket, guided missile, satellite, or airplane.【俚语】 火箭、导弹、卫星或飞机Slang A person, especially one who is odd or remarkable:【俚语】 怪人:人,尤指奇怪或非凡的人物:例句:a sly old bird.老滑头
Chiefly British A young woman.【多用于英国】 年轻的妇女Slang 【俚语】 A loud sound expressing disapproval; a raspberry.表示不满的响亮的声音;咂舌声Discharge from employment:解雇:例句:lost a big sale and nearly got the bird.丢了笔大生意几乎被解雇
An obscene gesture of anger, defiance, or derision made by pointing or jabbing the middle finger upward.下流手势:用向上指或捅中指表示生气、蔑视、或嘲笑的下流手势v.intr.(不及物动词)bird.ed,,birds To observe and identify birds in their natural surroundings.在自然界观察和辨认鸟To trap, shoot, or catch birds.捕鸟、射鸟或捉鸟
<习惯用语>for the birds
Objectionable or worthless.令人不快的或无用的习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English brid [young bird] 源自 古英语 brid [幼鸟]