bill是什么意思 bill在线中文翻译



n. 帐单, 清单, 钞票, 鸟嘴, 广告, 法案, 票据
vt. 开帐单, (用招贴)宣布
【化】 单据; 帐单
【经】 法案, 清单, 招贴
to fill the bill
to foot the bill


动词过去式:billed 过去分词:billed 现在分词:billing 第三人称单数:bills 形容词:billable 


名词 bill:

  1. a statute in draft before it becomes law同义词:measure
  2. an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered同义词:account, invoice
  3. a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank)同义词:note, government note, bank bill, banker's bill, bank note, banknote, Federal Reserve note, greenback
  4. the entertainment offered at a public presentation
  5. a list of particulars (as a playbill or bill of fare)
  6. an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution同义词:circular, handbill, broadside, broadsheet, flier, flyer, throwaway
  7. horny projecting mouth of a bird同义词:beak, neb, nib, pecker
  8. a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement同义词:poster, posting, placard, notice, card
  9. a long-handled saw with a curved blade同义词:billhook
  10. a brim that projects to the front to shade the eyes同义词:peak, eyeshade, visor, vizor

动词 bill:

  1. demand payment同义词:charge
  2. advertise especially by posters or placards
  3. publicize or announce by placards同义词:placard


  1. After a long debate the bill was passed.经长时间的辩论,议案获得通过。
  2. Bill Gates is an American citizen.比尔·盖茨是美国公民。
  3. I can't pay now, please bill me later.我现在不能付款,请以后开帐单给我。
  4. I have a 5-dollar bill.我有一张5美元的钞票。


n.(名词)An itemized list or statement of fees or charges.帐单:详细列明费用或卡开销的单据或报表A statement or list of particulars, such as a theater program or menu.戏院广告单,菜单:某指定物的清单、目录,如剧目单或菜单The entertainment offered by a theater.节目:剧院提供的节目A public notice, such as an advertising poster.广告,海报:公共布告,如广告招贴
A piece of legal paper money:纸钞:合法的纸币:例句:a ten-dollar bill.一张十美元的钞票
Slang One hundred dollars.【俚语】 一百美元
A bill of exchange.汇票:交换的票据Obsolete A promissory note.【废语】 本票,期票
A draft of a proposed law presented for approval to a legislative body.法令:递交立法机构批准的法律草案The law enacted from such a draft:诉状:从上述草案制定的法律:例句:a bottle bill in effect in three states; the GI Bill.在三个州生效的酒法;美国军事法
Law A document presented to a court and containing a formal statement of a case, complaint, or petition.【法律】 起诉书:向法庭提供的包含正式的案件陈述、控告和请求的文件及物动词)billed,,bills To present a statement of costs or charges to.给…开帐单:提供公众花费的单据To enter on a statement of costs or on a particularized list.记入帐目:写帐单或登记目录表
To advertise or schedule by public notice or as part of a program.做广告:用公共布告做广告或作为计划的一部分列入计划表To declare or describe officially; proclaim:宣布,公告:正式通告或描述;宣布:例句:a policy that was billed as an important departure for the administration.此政策被公告为政府行政机构的重要新方案
来源:Middle English bille 中古英语 bille from Norman French 源自 诺曼法语 from Medieval Latin billa 源自 中世纪拉丁语 billa alteration of bulla [seal on a document] bulla的变化 [在文件上盖印章] from Latin [bubble] 源自 拉丁语 [气泡]
bill 2
n.(名词)The horny part of the jaws of a bird; a beak.啄:鸟嘴的坚硬部分;啄A beaklike mouth part, such as that of a turtle.鸟嘴似口部:象鸟嘴似的口部,如龟的嘴The visor of a cap.帽舌Nautical The tip of the fluke of an anchor.【航海】 锚钩尖端v.intr.(不及物动词)billed,,bills To touch beaks together.鸟嘴相接触
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English bile 源自 古英语 bile

bill 3
n.(名词)A billhook.锚钩A halberd or similar weapon with a hooked blade and a long handle.戟:戟或类似的武器,有一钩刃和长柄
来源:Middle English bil 中古英语 bil from Old English bill 源自 古英语 bill