earl是什么意思 earl在线中文翻译



n. 伯爵


名词 earl:

  1. a British peer ranking below a marquess and above a viscount


  1. A nobleman ranking below an earl or a count and above a baron.子爵低于侯爵或伯爵但高于男爵的贵族等级
  2. Although she married an earl, Susan never lost the common touch and still calls round occasionally for a chat and a cup of tea.尽管苏珊嫁给了一位伯爵,但她仍不失平易近人的美德,还是经常前来聊天和喝茶。
  3. The young earl didn't allow the poor people to enter his earldom.那个年青的伯爵不允许这些穷人进入他的领地。
  4. The earl lives in a castle.伯爵住在一座古堡里。


n.Abbr. E.(名词)缩写 E.A British nobleman next in rank above a viscount and below a marquis, corresponding to a count in continental Europe.伯爵:英国一种贵族,根据欧洲传统的规定,其头衔高于子爵低于侯爵Used as a title for such a nobleman.伯爵头衔:为这种贵族所封的头衔
来源:Middle English erl [nobleman of high rank] 中古英语 erl [高衔的贵族] from Old English eorl 源自 古英语 eorl