broker是什么意思 broker在线中文翻译



n. 掮客, 经纪人
【经】 经纪人, 掮客


动词过去式:brokered 过去分词:brokered 现在分词:brokering 第三人称单数:brokers 


名词 broker:

  1. a businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission同义词:agent, factor

动词 broker:

  1. act as a broker

形容词 broke:

  1. lacking funds同义词:broke, bust, skint, stone-broke, stony-broke


  1. I do not regard a broker as a member of the human race.我不把经纪人当作是人类的一个成员。
  2. I took out a tight wad of dividend warrants ringed with a rubber band, and the records in the wad would have gladdened the heart of a broker.我拿出一迭用橡皮筋扎紧的股息单,记在这迭单子上的数字原本会使一个经纪人非常开心的。
  3. I am an insurance broker.我是一名保险经纪人。
  4. The broker buys and sells shares for others.经纪人替他人买卖股票。


n.(名词)One that acts as an agent for others, as in negotiating contracts, purchases, or sales in return for a fee or commission.经纪人:他人的代理,如在谈判签约、购买或为收佣金而出售时的代理人A stockbroker.股票经纪人A power broker.权力经纪人及物动词)bro.kered,,bro.kers To arrange or manage as a broker:作为中间人来安排、设法:例句:broker an agreement among opposing factions.促成反对派达成一项协议
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Anglo-Norman brocour, abrocour ; akin to possibly akin to Spanish alboroque [ceremonial gift at conclusion of business deal] 源自 英法语 brocour, abrocour ;类似于 可能类似于 西班牙语 alboroque [一笔交易做成时礼节性的礼物]
<注释>Giving gifts to one`s broker might be justifiable from an etymological point of viewbecause the wordbroker may be connected through its Anglo-Norman source brocour, abrocour, with Spanish alboroque, meaning .ceremony or ceremonial gift after the conclusion of a business deal..If this connection does exist,.business deal. is the notion shared by the Spanish and Anglo-Norman wordsbecausebrocour referred to the middleman in transactions. The English wordbroker is first found in Middle English in 355, several centuries before we find instances of its familiar compoundspawnbroker, first recorded in '87, and stockbroker, first recorded in 70'. 从词源的角度来说,送礼物给经纪人是有一番道理的。因为broker 一词也许通过英国法语的词源 brocour,abrocour 与西班牙语 alboroque 形成亲属关系, 而后者意为.一笔交易做成时作为礼节性的礼品.。如果这一关系的确存在,那么西班牙语词汇和英国法语词汇中都有.交易.这一概念。因为brocour 指做交易的中间人。 英语单词broker 第一次被发现使用,是在355年的中世纪英语中, 距我们发现它的为人熟知的复合词pawnbroker ('87年第一次被记录下来)和 stockbroker (70'第一次被记录下来)已有好几个世纪了 注释>